Chapter 23-It's okay

Start from the beginning

The door opening made Jungkook to come out of the trace he was in and looked infront of him.Taehyung stood there in his loosy pajama with bed hair while looking down.

Jungkook looked at the boy frowning his brow."Taehyungie,were you sleeping?Did I disturbed you?".

" hyung.I was just-". Taehyung raised his head stuttering in words momentarily forgetting about how messed he is looking.

Jungkook frown his brow seeing the puffy eyes of the boy.The redness and the blood shot eyes of other made Jungkook confused.He cupped  taehyung's face in his hand observing tae's face keenly.

Taehyung's eyes bulged out realising his mistakes.He shouldn't had opened the door at this state.

"Did you cry?". Taehyung startled hearing Jungkook's words that he blinked his eyes nervously.

"N-No...w-what are you saying h-hyung?". Taehyung stepped away from Jungkook looking down avoiding others gaze.He didn't deserve hyung's concern.Hyung is better off without him.

."H-Hyung ,did you had dinner? If not, let me make something for you".

Jungkook stared silently at tae for a minute making tae gulp.Tae could see the way Jungkook eyes darkened and face hardened when he avoided hyung's question.Tae looked up nervously locking his eyes with other.He could see Jungkook's gaze softening upon meeting his own.

Taehyung could sense the intense stare of Jungkook on him even without turning back from the kitchen.He placed some noodles on dining table still avoiding others gaze.He folded his apron before placing it back to it's place and was going to go.

Taehyung just wanted to go his room away from hyung, away from this torture.He knew he is not suited for Jungkook even before that lady said that to his face,But it's just that he ignored the known truth all along hoping he had a chance.He will be enough for Jungkook.

But at the end what taehyung had forgotten is that the truth is truth.Just like the receptionist said he is not worthy to stand beside hyung.

"Taehyungie,Aren't you going to eat?". Jungkook gripped taehyung's wrist halting tae's step.

"J-Jungkook hyung,I'm not hungry.You can eat". Taehyung said tring to remove the hold of Jungkook from his hands.

"Taehyungie,By any chance is this because we couldn't have lunch together today?Are you sad because of that?Are you angry at me?". Jungkook asked concluding the possible reasons for taehyung to be like this.The more he is thinking the more confused he is becomes.

"Nothing is wrong Jungkook hyung and I'm not angry at you".Tae said quietly looking down.

"Then what?You look so....". Jungkook trailed off his words looking at taehyung's face.There wasn't the usual glistening, smile or excitation on taehyung's eyes,it was dull.Tae seemed distant.... distant with him?

"Okay then,tell me about your day then.What did you do today?". Jungkook asked making the boy sit beside him.

"Nothing....I was just sleeping...".Tae said fidgeting his fingers.

"You were sleeping the whole day?". Jungkook asked getting a timid nodd in return.He raised his brow at the boy who was biting lips."So you are lying to me now? Taehyungie,Be honest with me , really what happened?".

"Hyung it nothin-".His words were paused at the challenging gaze of Jungkook.He looked down nervously with a sigh.

Taehyung didn't wanted to say anything,he didn't wanted to make him more embarrassed than he already is.If he said he come to 'JEON INC' with his silly foods , hyung might laugh at him.But why Jungkook hyung is so persistent with him now? Can't hyung just let it slide?

"Jungkook hyung,t-today I c-cooked many foods for you-".

"Then?". Jungkook raised his brow demandingly looking at the instant noodles before him.Where is the foods then?

"Then I got a call from your secratary that you will not make it up for lunch" .Tae fidgeted his fingers anxiously.

" it's that why you are so sad?". Jungkook shook his head disappointedly with himself."I'm sorry taehyungie.The meeting was arranged at the last minute and I couldn't postpone it....I'm truly sorry". Jungkook said sighing."So where is the dishes? Let's reheat it and we will eat together".

Tae looked down in his lap embarassingly."It's j-just that... I-I c-come to your c-company with l-lunch box but I couldn't see y-you and then i t-thorw it away out of a-anger.I'm S-Sorry hyung,I shouldn't had gone there".He said everything in one go squeezing his eyes shut.

"Wait....wait,did you just say you came to 'JEON INK' our company today?But I didn't see you".He asked making tae gulp.Taehyung didn't wanted to remind those words of the lady ,it can only make him even more sad.His eyes were starting to brim with tears that he looked down instantly.He didn't wanted Jungkook hyung to see him a kid,he wanted to be a man.He has to be bold.He told that to himself,but couldn't hold back the tears from his eyes.

"Are you crying?What the hell really happened?". Jungkook voice held concern as well frustration.He hadn't any clue about tae came to company, moreover something bad happened to the boy!

"I-It's j-just t-that the r-eceptionist d-didn't  a-allowed me to meet you.I-I told her t-that I-I am y-your husband,b-but s-he...s-he didn't b-believe me and scolded me b-badly". Taehyung said hiccuping while looking down.

Jungkook couldn't utter anything hearing those words of taehyung.Seeing the boy with those teary eyes made Jungkook's heart to ache.He couldn't believe something like this happened to taehyung and he didn't knew.

Does Amy had said about taehyung?How could Ava couldn't recognise taehyung at all?.What did Ava done to make taehyungie this much sad?  Making his taehyungie sad!. Jungkook closed his eyes taking deep breath  gritting his teeth.He didn't liked someone mistreating his family.

Jungkook patted the crying boy making tae to lean of him.Taehyung hugged his hyung and cried his heart content forgetting all about being a man infront of Jungkook.He felt relieved to be in hold of Jungkook.It made him realise he can be with Jungkook despite he is poor and all.The warmness of hyung made him feel alive and happy.He just wanted to be in that hold forever.

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