☆~Chapter 1~☆

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Walking up is always the same in the owl house. Nothing is new. Luz is looking at her new "pet" mouse. King breaks the head of his stuffed bear, by telling Luz something.

Not really knowing what he told her I get up and go see what she is doing. "Luz?" I ask as I get up from out of bed and walk up behind her

"Yes, Y/n?" She says not looking away from the mouse. "What are you doing? Don't you need to get ready for school?" I ask her as I'm getting ready myself.

By the time I'm done Luz was still just looking at the mouse. "Come on Luz get ready for school!" I tell her now pulling on her arm saying a bit louder.

Eda walks in the room, just seeing me pull on Luz trying to get away from that dang mouse. "Luz don't you think you should get ready for school you wouldn't want to be late to get your palizmen like the rest of your classmates..." Eda says. But as soon as she finishes. Luz is alomst out the door and dressed?!?

"COME ON EDA WE HAVE TO FLY!!!" Eda and I walk to the door where Luz is and get on Eda's staff and head to hexside.
"How come Luz get out the door and ready less then a second when you say something but not me?" I ask Eda. That was a little unfair

"You'll learn kiddo" Eda says winking at me.
When we get to school everyone is out side and there is a nest? No a cave thing? Actually I'm not every sure what it is. But everyone is talking it's kind of hard to hear with every one talking.

When the next thing I knew was The Bat Queen was sitting on the cave? Nest? Whatever that thing was. Even with every one talking I could make up was. From the Bat Queen talking was, Palizmen adoption day? Yea that's what it was because a lot of palizmen came out of the nest thing. There were.... so many palizmen.

There are 2 that really pointed out to me a red bird and a white snake they were really cute. But I could never see myself with a bird as a palizmen though. Willow goes in front of the nest and says something and a bee came out of the cave. She walks to me and I didn't notice but gus was right next to me.

"What's their name?" I ask seeing that it does fit her really well with the plants and stuff.

"His name is clover and I'm gonna take really good care of them!"
Willow says hugging the staff. "I wonder what palizmen I'm gonna get...?" I ask to myself looking at the bee at the top of her staff. "I'm not really sure but I think whatever you'll really like them" Gus tells me putting his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks" I smile at him. He smiles back.

Everyone has gone but me and Luz. What I've seen so far people have said something about themselves. But I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say. "You go first" I tell Luz smiling at her. Buying myself some time to think.

"Okay!" Luz walks up to the nest.... "I wanna be a......witch!" She says looking up at the palizmen. But nothing happens. "Ummmm it probably takes longer because I'm human right?" She asks The Bat Queen hopping for a 'yes'. But that's not the case.... "Palizmen men bond through emotion I do not sence any conviction from you." The Bat Queen tells Luz closing her eyes. "T-thats impossible I'm Luz. I'm chuck full of conviction!"

"You okay Luz?"I ask her walking beside her.

She runs back home. At this point I didn't care about my palizmen and run after her.
"Everyone got one but me mom" She says sadly laying down. "You know Luz there's always tomorrow?" I tell her sit down beside her. "I know but everyone got one TODAY" she tells me putting her arms up in the air. "Ssssssssssssss" a new sound fills the room. "What was that?" Luz says looking at her bag.

When she opens her bag the same white snake and red bird came out of the bag. "Little raskly?" Luz asks looking down at the animals. "Little what's?" I ask looking up at her.

"wait did you come here just for us!?!" She says looking closer at them. But all they do it look around and smelling the floor. "Nope" I say.

"Well come on let's get you back home you two" Luz says picking up the bird. "Yep." I say following Luz picking up the snake. Why why did she have to make me picking up the snake!?!

"There you go..." I tell the palizmen quickly setting the snake down. "There you goooo.." Luz says setting down the bird. "Now how are we suppose to let them inside...?" I say looking at the cave, nest thing.

When the red bird pushes it little head on the yellow force-field around it. And it disappeared... "Palizer magic.. cool¹" luz say looking inside the cave. "You now what..... I'm not leaving until one of you becomes my palizmen!" Luz says getting into the cave as I follow behind. "Just to make sure you don't die, I'm gonna stay with you. I tell her laying next to her.

After a couple of minutes the cave moved? "Hey we're kind of buissuss in her-?!?" She says looking like she'd seen a ghost. "What's wrong..?" I ask seeing at she's talking about. I look up and see a hot air balloon.

"Luz!" I tell her pointing up. She looks up "We're being kidnapped!" She says looking back at the pailzmen. The palizmen are... shaking.

"Hey hey don't panic" I tell them."let's figure this out." I say look at Luz and she nodes, makes a vine from a glyph and she claims up with the vine. But I make a vine with magic.

The first thing I see when i look inside the hot air balloon is a.... white cape?
1058 words have no idea if I'm gonna finish this now that the owl house is over but maybe maybe not we never know😊

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