Blitzos pov:

I get up and sigh. I feel like absolute shit, I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I suddenly see someone behind me in the mirror "Hello my darling" the figure said "M-mom?" I looked at the figure and felt Mama's hands on my shoulders. "That's right darling! "Why can't you come to join me, darling? join me... It's your fault that I died. You know that blitzo!? You know that! You know that!" "YOU KNOW THAT!!" her voice got more faded. "i-i" I stuttered. "kill yourself blitzo!! Do it! Come join Mommy!!" I felt her grip my shoulders harder. "stop it!! Shut up! shut up! SHUT UP!" I yelled and punched the mirror making it shatter and break. I realized what I did and I look at my blood fists. "Shit!" Tears start to form in my eyes and I start to cry. I fall onto the floor and put my bloody hands over my face. I felt my tears drip on the cuts on my fists making them burn. I force myself to stop crying and grab a small rag and gently wipe off the blood from my fists. Once I was finished I put water on the wounds and grabbed the bandage wrap that I and barbie use to cover up the injuries we get from Dad. I wrap my wounds with the bandages and got up, I looked at the broken mirror and bite my lip making me bleed a little. "Dad is going to beat my ass if he sees this... I'm just going to have to suck it up" I said groaned. I walked out of the bathroom and Barbie was waiting for me and Dad was standing right behind me. "what the fuck happened in the bathroom blitz!?" Dad shouted in my face. "i-i don't know..." I replied. "Don't fucking lie to me boy!" he grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes. "if you lie to me again I'll beat your weak ass so hard you wouldn't be able to breathe after. Got it!?" "yes sir" I quickly answered. He threw me on the floor and stomped on my hand which made me yelp in pain. "clean all of the broken pieces from the mirror now!! Do it quickly too!" he screamed as he burned his cigarette on my neck. I screamed in pain and tears formed in my eyes. "oh shut the fuck up!! you're being a pussy! get your ass to work now!" he screamed as he kicked me on the floor when I was trying to get up to do what he told me to do. He walked away and I got to work by cleaning all of the pieces of broken mirror on the floor.

I was performing on stage with Fizzarolli and when it came to my part for a solo trick I fucked it up by slipping on the floor and falling. "shit!" I yelped in pain. The whole crowd of people watching were laughing at me. "I'm embarrassed as shit but at least they laughed and enjoyed it... Right?" I thought in my head. I got up and looked down. I looked over to my dad who was watching with the crowd. He had a look on his face like he wanted to kill me. Fizzarolli looked at me, held my hand, and smiled at me. He bowed down at the crowd as they were all cheering and they were most likely cheering at him. I bit my lip as I got more worried about what my dad is going to do to me after this performance.

Once we were done with all of the performing we went back to the tent. I saw my dad, he looked disappointed. "come here blitzo." he said as he directed me with his finger. "yes s-sir" I replied and walked up in front of him. SLAP "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT BLITZO!!" He yelled at me. When he slapped me I fell on the floor and I was holding my cheek from the pain. "I swear to Satan you're so fucking worthless blitzo! You can't even do anything right, can you!!?" he yelled. "Why can't you be more like your friend Fizzarolli and not be like your fucking shitty ass mom!!" he screamed out loud "I-I'm sorry Dad! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't hit me, please!! please!!! I'll be good!!" I begged but he didn't listen. He dragged me by using my horns and threw me into another room. He grabbed an empty beer bottle and hit me with it over and over again. "IM SORRY!! I'M SORRY! STOP PLEASE!!" I cried out as my head was bleeding out all over the floor and my face. He choked me with both of his hands, squeezing my neck like it was a fucking stress ball. I couldn't breathe at all, all I can do is whimper and groan. He lift me still choking me and threw me on the floor finally releasing my neck. I was gasping for air choking on some of the blood that got in my mouth from my head. My vision got blurry as it got harder and harder to breathe. I started to cry. My dad walked away from me while shaking his head in disappointment. I still couldn't breathe, I was gasping for air so much. "help someone please help!" I tried my best to yell. I crawled on the floor trying to look for help. Barbie saw me crawling on the floor and she gasped "shit, blitz!" She ran up to me and scooped me up and then ran to the bathroom. She grabbed the first aid kit and grabbed some alcohol wipes and cleaned the cut that was on my head. It burned but it's better than getting an infection. I Yelped in pain as she cleaned deeper into the cut. She put on some healing ointment and lastly put a bandaid on the cut. She then grabbed a wet rag and cleaned all of the blood off of me. She then poured some water into her hand and made me drink it. I felt a lot better now. "T-thank you" "You're welcome blitz" she smiled. I got up and started my next performance with fizziroli. Of course, he did everything better, Father was disappointed as always.

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