Jack Hughes - Pt. 1

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"Boys dinner," you called out from your kitchen

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"Boys dinner," you called out from your kitchen. Your husband and son ran in from the living room.

"J can you scoop Tommy a plate," you asked as you took plates out of the cabinet. The three of you rarely got to spend time together, with your husband Jack barely being home due to work. You tried to make every time he was home a night full of quality time and fun. His team, the New Jersey Devils was preparing for playoffs and you didn't know what his schedule would look like. You and your four-and-a-half-year-old son Tommy, went to every single home game, and would even travel if it was close, either in New York or Philadelphia. Tommy was Jack's biggest fan and loved hockey. Once he could walk the first thing your husband wanted was to get him on skates.

"Of course babe," he kissed your cheek and took a plate from you, "you sit down I got it, you need to relax." He placed his hand on your stomach, you were expecting another child, in the next week.

"Thank you." You sat down at the table with your son as your husband brought over your plates. Your son immediately stuffed his face with his plate of noodles.

"It's yummy Mommy," Tommy exclaimed with a mouth full. Your husband joined the two of you at the table taking a bite,

"Yes very good Mommy," he smiled. The three of you ate your dinner.

"Daddy?" Tommy asked Jack,

"What's up, buddy?"

"Will you be at my game tomorrow?" He gave your husband pleading eyes. Jack glanced over at you with a disappointed look, then back at Tommy.

"I'm gonna try my best bud," he smiled, "and Mommy will be there."

"Daddy's very busy bug, but he's always gonna support you and cheer from where ever he is." Jack always had practice or was on the road for Tommy's games, this game was later in the day so Jack should be able to go, but the incoming playoffs made it difficult.

"Well can Uncle Luke come too with Mommy?" Tommy asked.

"Buddy, Luke, and Daddy are gonna be in the same place, but they will both try, now eat your noodles." The rest of dinner was quiet. You were experiencing some lower back pain and moved to the couch after dinner.

"Can you do bedtime with him?" you asked Jack rubbing your stomach.

"Of course. Okay, Tommy bedtime let's go," you remained on the couch as Jack scooped up your son and got him ready for bed. You stood up as you heard the house get quiet. You walked over to Tommy's room, leaning in the doorway seeing Jack place a kiss on Tommy's forehead. He slowly approached you and shut the door behind him. You and Jack walked to your room.

"I will be at his game tomorrow, I can't miss anymore, I've missed too much for him," he said to you as you got changed.

"What about practice babe?"

"I'll leave early honey, but I have not seen my son play hockey once, and family is the priority, also what if something happens to you, she's coming soon," he said taking his shirt off as you sat down in bed.

"I'm fine, don't leave practice because you're worried about me," he sat down next to you.

"Well I've disappointed Tommy too many times, I have to go," he said putting his arm around you and pulling your head onto his shoulder. You felt yourself start to doze off.

"Good night Y/N," was the last thing you heard him whisper before you fell asleep.

You woke up to laughing coming from the kitchen, you noticed you were alone in bed and that it was already 10 am. You rolled over slowly and got up. Quickly catching your balance, you made your way to the kitchen rubbing your eyes.

"Hi Mommy," your son smiled at you sitting at the table with his father. The two pairs of blue eyes met yours.

"What's all this?" you asked seeing Jack's plate, a typical game day breakfast, and Tommy's looking like a miniature version of Jack's.

"Daddy says game day breakfast," your son says taking another bite of his pancake.

"I made you a little yogurt parfait, and I left the whipped cream next to it because I don't know how much you want." Your eyes lit up as they met the fruit cup on the counter. You walked over and shook the can, and topped your fruit with a nice big pile of cream. You put an extra dollop in your mouth before getting ready to put the lid on,

"Daddy why does Mommy get whipped cream for breakfast and we don't?"

"Game day breakfast has to be healthy buddy, besides Mommy deserves it," Jack winked at you. You walked over to the table with the can, next to where Jack was sitting.

"Open up honey," you smirked. Jack did as you said. You squirted some whipped cream in his mouth getting a little on his nose. You walked over to the smiling little boy practically reaching for the whipped cream in your hand.

"Be patient Tommy," Jack said.

"Okay bud open," he snapped his mouth open and you put a tiny pile in his mouth. You put the cap on the can and put it back in the fridge. You grabbed your cup and sat at the table.

"Crap I'm gonna be late," Jack shoved down a few more bites, kissed you on your head, and rushed out the door. Tommy sighed after Jack left,

"Don't worry, he's gonna make it," you smiled taking a bite of your fruit. The two of you finished breakfast together and you cleaned the kitchen. You got Tommy cleaned up and ready for hockey. You helped him pack his bag but leaning over caused you some pain, you let him finish it himself.

You headed to the rink, checking the time seeing Jack surely was done with practice. You grabbed your son's bag out of the trunk of your car, while he carried his stick,

"Why didn't we get Daddy?" he asked you.

"He's gonna drive separate from us, but he will be here." You walked through the sliding doors of the rink to one of the benches near the ice. You dropped the bag and sat down. Tommy unzipped the bag and unpacked all his things. You began to help him put his things on when suddenly you lost his attention. He ran towards the door of the rink in his socks yelling,

"Daddy you made it!" You looked to the door to see Jack carrying your son and coming back towards you.

"I knew I would buddy," he smiled kissing your son's cheek and putting him down, "lemme help you get your skates on." Tommy sat next to you and began telling Jack about all the things he was going to do during the game and how he wanted to be just like his father. It made you a little teary watching. After Tommy was fully suited up he ran on the ice with the rest of his team. You and Jack made your way over to the stands, he rested his hand on your back. You groaned rubbing your stomach,

"I told you I'd be here, Let's go, Hughes," he shouted at the ice seeing his mini-me skate around. You half-smiled through the pain you were experiencing.

"Go T!" you yelled, clutching Jack's hand.

"You okay honey?" he asked putting his hand on your stomach, his eyes were glued to it and then back to your face,

"I'll be fine" you winced, "she's just kicking, it's fine, watch Tommy". You rubbed your stomach feeling excruciating pain from your future daughter but didn't think too much of it, she kicks all the time.

Throughout the entire game, the pain continued. Jack rushed to get Tommy after the game after he scored a goal, he got him quickly out of his gear because he could barely move. You wobbled to the car and had Jack bring Tommy home. You drove quickly so you could get to the couch. As soon as you walked in the door you lay down waiting for your boys to get home.

As soon as Jack walked in the door you felt one big push, you hadn't realized but when you stood up there was dripping.

"Honey we have to go."


Another story that takes place in the future, hope you like it!

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