Jeff Skinner

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"You're Kidding." You stood in your bathroom with your jaw dropped. In your hand was the test that would change your life forever. You clutched the piece of plastic in your hand then rubbed your hand across your stomach. You don't know why, but you began to cry you couldn't tell if they were happy or worried tears. You suddenly began to get dizzy and kneeled next to the toilet bowl leaning over. There was a knock on the door,

"Babe, you okay in there?" your fiance Jeff asked already preparing to open the door. You coughed a few times over the bowl then felt your breakfast that morning come out which made you feel a little better, but not much. Jeff rushed through the door after hearing your groans from your stomach pain.

"Y/N what happened?" He looked at you kneeling on the floor and sat down beside you, rubbing your back and holding your hair back from your face.

"I- I- we're-," you couldn't get the word out. Jeff wiped the tears from your eyes, giving you a reassuring nod that he was there for you. He looked at the test sitting on the floor next to you, picking it up his eyes grew wide.

"We're-" he couldn't say the word either. He put his hand over his mouth as he looked up to meet his eyes with yours.

"I'm pregnant Jeff!" you shouted through your teary eyes, "We're pregnant! I'm already stressed enough with our wedding and now this," you were sobbing. You and Jeff were getting married in the next two weeks and the wedding planning had taken over your life, especially deciding to make the day midseason.

"Honey please calm down, this isn't a bad thing, I'm excited, we are gonna be parents!" he exclaimed wiping another tear off your cheek.

"Well, it's bad timing," you pushed his hand away.

"The timing may be bad, but our little boy or girl won't be when they get here." That was one thing that made you fall in love with Jeff, he always knew what to say even when you were upset, and he could always make you see the best in any situation.

"Listen Y/N, I'm not upset, we will figure this out, we can try to hide it at the wedding if it will make you relax." He stood up holding out his hand to help you. You nodded and took his hand.

"It will be difficult Jeff, the media will surely find out, and what about the family," you said standing up and pulling yourself together. He placed his hands on your shoulders,

"Hey, it doesn't matter right now, we will cross that bridge when we get there, right now we should be celebrating okay?" He placed a kiss on your forehead.

"But what about at the game tonight, what if I get sick there-" your worry continued.

"Y/N you worry too much, what's the worst thing that can happen if our friends find out?" Jeff took your face in his hands.

"Nothing I guess," you mumbled.

"See, they will show nothing but support, isn't this what we wanted when we got engaged, to create a family," you smiled, Jeff was right, he always was.

"You're right, it just came sooner than expected," you shrugged.

"I know I am, you are gonna be such a good mommy," he laughed placing his hand on your stomach.

"And you are gonna be such a good Dad," you said as he leaned down.

"And you are going to be the best baby ever," he said to your stomach. He stood back up straight to look at you. You cupped his face in your hands,

"God I can not wait until I marry you," you said pulling his face to yours. Jeff scooped you up, took you into your bedroom, and sat on the bed with you in his lap. He placed his lips on yours making you calmer than you were before.

"I knew I found the right person," Jeff said holding you closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I love you, Jeff,"

"I love you more Y/N," he smiled kissing you once more, "and I'm gonna love baby Skinner too."


My Friend suggested this, hope you all enjoy!

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