Timo Meier

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"Isn't this great? Our families are meeting, and we are doing something we enjoy, without arguing?" Timo smiled grabbing your hand. The two of you loved shopping together and loved your fashion. You designed clothes for a small company you worked for and Timo just loved dressing up. He loved to spoil you, but you wanted to pay for yourself sometimes, it would always end up in some kind of disagreement and you would cave and let Timo pay.

"Yeah, our parents get along it's great," you said squeezing his hand. The group of you walked into a store where you gasped at the first pair of shoes you laid eyes on, it was love at first sight. They were the most gorgeous pair of white Christian Louboutin heels, you could vividly see yourself wearing them. You broke away from Timo and went running for the shoes. You shuffled through the boxes looking for your size while Timo talked to the parents. You found the shoes in your size and quickly tried them on. You approached Timo and the parents in the shoes.

"Oh Y/N those are beautiful," Timo's mother complimented

"Honey those are stunning," Your mom said smiling. The two dads began to talk about why women like shoes so much and joking.

"Do you want those babe?" Timo asked you knowing he would want to pay.

"Oh, I don't know yet," you lied, "I'm still thinking," you went back to where your shoes were waiting and slid them off. You put the shoes back in the box then found the price leading your face to turn pale.

"Fifteen hundred dollars," you whispered to yourself shocked. There was no way you were going to let Timo pay for them. You would let him buy you little accessories now and then, but these shoes were different. Timo and the parents continued to wander around the store looking around which gave you the opportunity to buy them before Timo noticed. You went over to the register with the box and prepared to pay when you felt a familiar presence behind you,

"What do you think you're doing?" Timo asked firmly.


"You're not paying for those,"

"T please let me pay,"

"No Y/N, let me pay,"

"You always pay, let me be independent for once," you huffed.

"I promised myself I would treat you right,"

"And you do treat me right, but I can pay for my own shoes,"

"Y/N let me be a gentleman in front of my parents," he reached to take the box from you, but you pulled it away,

"No, I can pay you snapped, this always happens you never let me do anything myself," you snapped. You realized how harsh that came out and immediately regretted it when you realized both of your parents were watching. Both parents looked at each other and then back at the two of you.

"We'll give you some space," your dad said as the four parents walked out of the store.

"T I'm so-"

"You're right..."

"No I'm not, that came out way worse than I planned,"

"I'm sorry I make you feel that way," you could see the guilt in his eyes.

"T I should be thankful you pay, it shouldn't become an argument like this,"

"I know," he nodded, "we shouldn't be arguing over this, that's why I'm gonna take a step back and let you pay,"

"No, you clearly want to T, you pay,"

"Babe, we are arguing again you pay,"

"Okay fine," you smiled. You approached the register and paid for your shoes. You grabbed your bag and the two of you walked out of the store.

"So who paid," Timo's dad laughed.

"She did, and that's okay with me," he said wrapping his arm around you.


For @1ddirectioner93 I hope you enjoy!

Little update: I sprained my wrist meaning I can't play hockey for a little bit which gives me more time to write  

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