Brock Boeser

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You had just arrived in Vancouver to start your new job. Your moving truck was already parked in front of your apartment complex when you had been dropped off. You and the movers began moving your things up to your apartment. It didn't take too long, most of the furniture was already in the apartment when you got there. Once the movers left you began to unpack your things when I knock on the door stopped you. You opened the door to see one of the most gorgeous blonds you had ever seen.

"Hey," he said. You practically melted at the sound of his voice.

"Hi," you sighed gazing into his beautiful eyes.

"I'm Brock, your new neighbor, I just wanted to stop by and see if you needed help with anything," he smiled.

"I'm Y/N, and yeah I could use some help unpacking I guess," you were shocked by your reply, inviting your new handsome neighbor in when you had only been in Vancouver for just a couple hours was new for you. You weren't normally into meeting new people, but a new city meant a new you. The two of you began unpacking and getting to know one another, the process took quicker than you expected with a second helping hand. You both sat on your couch once you had finished, it was still early and you didn't know what possible plans you could have in this new city, you didn't know anyone except Brock.

"Well Y/N what are you doing the rest of the day?" He asked you.

"I was gonna go walk around the city, and check it out I don't know," you shrugged.

"Well I can't let you go alone, let me show you around," he smiled.

"Alright deal," you nodded. You both stood up and headed for the door as you grabbed your key to lock up. You shut the door behind you as Brock quickly went to his apartment to grab his key. The two of you left and began to walk around the city. Brock began to ask you about your job when you saw a familiar-looking building, the Rodgers Center.

"That's where I'm starting work," you pointed to the building. He was shocked,

"Wait no way, I work there too, well sort of, most days." He exclaimed.

"No way, wait oh my gosh I feel so stupid, you're on the Canucks," you smacked your forehead, "you're Brock Boeser." He smiled. You were a little embarrassed considering you were starting work as a photographer for the team once the season started in the next few weeks. You hadn't watched a lot of Vancouver hockey, after previously working in North Carolina as a photographer for the Hurricanes, you had only been in the city a few times and when you were you were too focused on your own team.

"Yeah, it's okay it was kind of nice not having someone recognize me." You both shrugged, then laughed.

"Yeah, sorry when I have seen you I haven't seen you if that makes sense," you laughed. You began to explain about your work in Carolina and how close you had become with all of them being the team photographer. You told him that you were excited to get to know this team and expand on the little NHL family you had developed.

"I guess knowing me before starting preseason work in the next few days is going to work to your advantage." You nodded at his reply to your stories. He then began to give you information on the other players on the team to get you prepared. You kept walking and talking and exchanging stories about your careers in the hockey world.

"So you know, like really know Sidney Crosby?"

"Yeah, super great guy, he kind of took me under his wing I guess when I interned in Pittsburgh during college. I still keep in touch with him." Brock was impressed with your stories, he was smiling and engaged the whole time. You were afraid you were rambling but Brock's comments and nodding assured you that you weren't boring him. The two of you eventually found yourselves back at your complex.

"Let me know if you need anything Y/N I'm right next door," Brock said as you opened the door to your apartment.

"I appreciate it," you smiled. You waved bye and closed the door behind you when he knocked once more. You opened the door to see Brock still standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to say I had an amazing time with you today," he said.

"Me too Brock, today was awesome"

"Would you want to do something again sometime before you start work," he blushed.

"I'd love to,"

"Dinner tomorrow? I'll pay-"

"No, you don't have to-"

"I insist," he ended the short little debate.

"Okay fine,"

"Pick you up tomorrow Y/N,"

"It's a date," you confirmed. You were nervous about how he would react to using that word after only meeting today.

"A date... Yes a date," he smiled then opened his arms. You held yours out too and hugged Brock. His hug was warm and calming, it assured you that you were going to be okay in Vancouver for however long you would be staying here. You both let go,

"Bye Y/N,"

"See you tomorrow Brock!"


Sorry this one is kind of short

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