Luke Hughes

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You and Luke always had an interesting relationship. You had been best friends ever since you moved to his high school. He was a year older than you, and since you met him, you fell hard, but you never knew how he felt. You always got mixed signals from him, he was shy when you first met, but all it took was you both being hockey players to create an inseparable bond. Over the next three years you spent together you two became closer and closer. He would give you his jersey before all of his games, and you would proudly wear Hughes on your back. You would wait after every game to see his smiling face waiting for you, but he never said much, he just smiled and giggled as you bombarded him with compliments. Eventually, his team began to think you were dating, and he would always say you weren't, though they didn't believe him. Your team did the same, they would ask you endless questions about you and Luke and your relationship status. You were with him through all his biggest achievements in high school, and he was there through yours but you were "just friends" even if you didn't act like it which was killing you. You were now both attending the same college, and even there you were still closer than ever.

"Y/N?" he asked you while you were laying on your bed in your dorm. You were both messing around on your phones talking. You were trying to keep your distance on your tiny little dorm bed, but it wasn't working super well.

"Yeah, Luke?"

"You comfortable?" he said scooting closer to the wall your bed was against so you weren't on the edge.

"Sorta, I guess I don't know," you shrugged looking back at your phone.

"Get comfortable," you inched closer to him. He pulled out his phone to show you something, forcing you to peek over his shoulder. Your heart was racing, laying around with Luke wasn't normally like this. He was busy laughing at the video he was showing you which gave you your opportunity. You rested your head on his shoulder so you could see the video better, you saw his smile. He rested his head back on yours causing the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked you again.

"Very," you said, as you placed your hand on his arm.

"Good," he blushed. He looked like he was about to say something else but stopped. Your heart was still pounding in your chest, but his breathing calmed you down.

"Are you comfortable?" you asked him.

"Very," he smiled.

"Good," you said.

"Y/N?" Luke asked. He sounded serious,

"What's up?"

"What are we?" he asked. You felt like your heart stopped. You felt like your world stopped.

"What do you mean?" You knew what he meant but wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Okay Y/N I'm just gonna rip the bandaid off... I like you okay, I have since you moved to my school, that first time we hung out I didn't know what to do with myself I was so happy. I'm sorry I got all awkward around you, I was just scared you didn't feel the same, I'm still scared I don't know what we are but I know what I want, and it's you Y/N L/N." You blushed and were shocked he felt the same way. It was an outcome you weren't expecting, and now you had to think of a response.

"Luke, I feel the same exact way, when I saw you for the first time I fell in love with you, so yeah I like you too, and I've been too scared to tell you. I just didn't want to ruin what we already have." You smiled. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled your head onto his chest.

"Nothing will change this Y/N, you have no need to worry,"

"I know I know," you rolled your eyes.

"So Y/N, after years of waiting will you finally be my girlfriend?". You propped yourself up on your bed next to Luke, he did the same. He kept his arm around you, the suspense was killing him. You loved seeing his cute worried face.

"Yes, yes I will Luke Hughes," you said resting your hand on his cheek. You rested your foreheads against each other's, smiling wide. He moved his hand from your shoulder up to the back of your head.

"So are we gonna kiss now?" he asked.

"You are so awkward," you laughed pulling his face even closer to yours.

"Shut up Y/N,"

"Make me," you both grinned. He pulled your face to his pressing his lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you onto his lap. Your lips broke apart for air and locked your lips once more. Your lips broke apart once more. You lay down on your bed while Luke was still sitting up.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Come here," you smiled.

"So demanding," he rolled his eyes then laid down resting his head on your chest.

"My new boyfriend already giving me attitude," you snickered as you began to play with his hair.

"My new girlfriend already complaining,"

"Shut up,"

"Make me," he grinned mocking you from before.


For @iluvsummenn  hope you like it!

This one is personal so yeah hope you enjoy it...

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