Kirby Dach

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You and Kirby had been best friends for as long as you could remember. The two of you met in grade school and ever since then, you were inseparable. You traveled with him throughout his hockey career, and you two conveniently had opposite schedules when it came to hockey. You could always travel with him for games and he could always be with you when you were traveling. The two of you did everything together. You went to dances "as friends", saw movies with dinners, and went on each other's family vacations. You were always welcome at the Dach household and he was always welcome at yours. You don't exactly remember when, but you had developed feelings for Kirby and couldn't imagine being without him ever. You never confessed your feelings because you didn't know if he felt the same and didn't want to ruin what you had. You shoved your feelings down deep, but living with him didn't help. The two of you were living together in Chicago while he was playing and you were in online school when the news broke that he was going to Montreal. You followed him there and settled into your new apartment. You were both heartbroken when you had to move, leaving all of the friends that had become your family, but it was time to start over.

The season had begun and you two had already been welcomed into the Canadiens family. You would be at every game, home or away supporting your best friend. The media began to get suspicious of you and Kirby, he assured them many times that you were his best friend, which made your feelings for him only grow stronger when you tried to push them deeper after his statements. The media calmed down until a few games later Kirby got sick. You spent the next couple of weeks taking care of him. When he began to feel better he started feeling lower body pain. You helped him out of bed to the couch once he started complaining of pain. He had been diagnosed with a lower-body injury by the team's medical staff. You didn't know what was wrong with him, but you didn't complain it was more time to spend with Kirby.

"Where?" you asked holding an ice pack.

"There," he pointed then repositioned his upper body so he would be more comfortable. You placed the ice pack where he pointed and he winced in pain.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," you said taking it off.

"No no leave it there, it's the only way the swelling will go down," he said taking deep breaths.

"Is there anything else I can do?" you asked him.

"Just stay here okay," he said taking more deep breaths. You blushed and sat down next to him. You looked at him as he sat with his head leaned back staring at the ceiling. His hand was shaking in his lap and saw his eyes begin to water. Your heart began to race, would taking your best friend's hand be too much for him? You wanted to comfort him but didn't want your feelings about him to get the best of you, but it was too late. You reached over and quickly grabbed Kirby's hand. His head snapped down to look at his hand and then at you. He looked shocked, you tried to quickly let go, but he interlocked his fingers with yours.

"I shouldn't have-"

"Y/N, it's okay, I like you too." You were stunned. You couldn't believe what you were hearing him say. You never thought Kirby would think you were anything more than a friend but you were mistaken.

"Kirby, I've been wanting to tell you for so long, but if I did I didn't want this to go away," you looked down at your hand that was still connected to Kirby's.

"Y/N you know this could never change badly, only for the better right?" he rubbed your hand with his thumb.

"I know I know, I just was worried Kirb," you said looking back up at him, your eyes were starting to water. He let go of your hand and held up his arm.

"Come here," you scooted closer to him as he wrapped his arm around you. You accidentally tapped the ice pack when scooting closer, causing a little grunt from Kirby.


"Y/N you've always been there for me, and I have always been there for you, I care about you so much and hell, I think, no I know I love you Y/N."

"You lo-love me," you said as tears were rolling down your face. You didn't know why you were crying, just hearing Kirby say the words made you emotional.

"Yes, Y/N I have for a while, so may I officially ask you to be my girlfriend once you stop crying?" he laughed wiping a tear off your face.

"Sorry," you laughed.

"Y/N stop apologizing,"

"So- I mean okay, I don't mean to I just overthink everything-" you began to ramble, but Kirby cut you off.

"Just shut up and let me kiss you," he grinned. You looked down embarrassed as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. He picked your head up with his finger under your chin. Your eyes met his, you could feel your heart racing. You both closed your eyes and began to lean in, your lips met and it felt perfect. You both pulled away needing a breath of air.

"We waited too long for that," he grinned.

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