Chapter 27

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Your demon's head jerked to the sound of your voice; more specifically, the fear that lingered in it. The mark on his hand tingled. Sebastian's pupils became slits as his crimson eyes shifted to their fuchsia color and he began to sprint in your direction. You had found Jekyll's lab, he deduced, but with her in it.

"Stay strong a little while longer, my dear. I'm coming."

You panted as you ran blindly inside the dark hallway, your feet pounding against the floor. Edna was not far behind and gaining distance quickly. This basement corridor would end eventually, and you needed to find a way out quickly before she cornered you. Doors lined the walls but there was no telling which one would lead you out and you couldn't turn around to go back the way you came without running right into her.

You just had to keep running. You had to—

There was a small breeze ahead of you, and through the dim lighting, noticed a hole in the wall you had previously thought would lead to nowhere. It was covered with a tarp, but the breeze allowed it to flap a bit and the hole looked blown out enough to fit a person through. You couldn't tell where it led to, but there was your exit!

Edna gave a loud growl from behind you, and it made the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you began to run faster, sprinting at this point to reach it.

"Y/n!" A voice echoed; it was faint, but there. Your violet eye began to glow underneath its patch as it sensed your beloved guardian. A small smile tugged at your lips as Sebastian yelled your name from far beyond that tarp.

Instinctively, you stretched your hand out. "Seba--!"

The word was replaced with a grunt as you were tackled to the ground by Edna. You got distracted; you were caught by your enemy. Again.

The force knocked your hat from your head and you could feel the world spinning around you. The momentum had you both rolling across the floor when you landed, and she lost her grip on you for a moment. You scrambled, trying to get on your feet again, but the monster of a woman was back on top of you quickly.

"No! Get off me!" You shouted at her and kicked your legs underneath her, trying to fight her off with your arms.

"Shut up!" Edna couldn't help but chuckle through her sinister smile as she swatted your hands away and pinned one of your wrists down to the floor, with her other hand around your throat.

"Stop moving!" She growled, "Don't make me break you too. Renee's quite fond of you, ya know?"

Her claw-like nails dug into your throat, and you gripped her wrist with your free hand, gritting your teeth at the pain of her breaking the skin. You glared at her with true hatred. She was the cause of all this; all those kids were slaughtered and for what!?

"Goddammit, fuck you!" You let out your voice in frustration and continued to struggle against Edna, panting through your nearly closed windpipe.

She straight up laughed in your face. "Still fighting, aye? It'd be a shame to slice you up this early."

Hyde beared down more of her weight on your wrist, sinking in her claws until you could feel them stabbing through the skin. You would have shrieked but her hand closed even tighter around your throat.

"You're too pretty to ruin..." She whispered. Not having many options left, you stopped struggling and hoped you had bought Sebastian enough time.

He's never been late before, but damn he was cutting the heroic rescue pretty close.

Edna released your neck to reach into the pocket of her lab coat. "Noticed you brought that handsome gentleman along with ya too. Absolutely perfection, love."

Your Guardian Demon (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now