Chapter 12

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The new Chief of the London police, Peter Baker, was an older, taller man, well built, and ex-military from what you learned upon his swearing in ceremony. A very handsome man if you were being honest. The transition happened shortly after Captain Margerie's memorial service. He wasn't like the other officers. Due to their incompetence of what your role entailed, they didn't really take you seriously. As the new Chief, he was told of everything that you had done for the country and its citizens, so he had much respect for you. That did make things a little easier.

Finny ran toward you and passed you the sealed letter he held in his hand. "It's from Her Majesty and Chief Peter Baker is here!"

Sebastian took the letter for you and waved the gardener away from the upcoming conversation. "Yes, Finny, we can see that. Thank you."

You thanked him as well before turning your attention to the approaching man in uniform. Chief Baker took off his captain's hat and tucked it under his arm. "Countess Phantomhive, Mister Michaelis, good morning. It is good to see you again. I hope you pardon my intrusion."

You gave a small smile and shook his hand. "It's nice to see you too, Chief Baker. No need to apologize. What can I do for you?"

"Well, my officers have been handling a case for a little over 2 weeks now. A few random murders at the bars and pubs downtown."

Peter handed you a few files that he had neatly folded up in his pocket. You looked through them as Sebastian peered over your shoulder.

"Have any witnesses come forward?" You asked.

Peter sighed. "Unfortunately, it is difficult finding any solid witnesses. Half were too drunk to notice, or don't remember. The ones that were creditable do not recall seeing anyone suspicious. But it is believed that the victims trusted their killer enough to step outside with them. Men and women, found in different locations, but roughly around the same age group."

"Well, makes sense. You don't see the elderly go around these types of places."

The Chief gave a small chuckle. "You would be correct, my Lady. The reason I come to you is because another body was found in an alley this morning. This officially moves this to be a possible serial killer. Her Majesty requested that I bring you in since my lot are not having any leads."

Sebastian opened the letter Finny handed him and scanned over it before confirming Chief Baker's words.

Your eye scanned over the photos from the crime scenes, and the poor mutilated bodies of these victims. "Serial killer, huh?"

Peter then placed his hat over his chest and lightly bowed at the waist. "It would be an honor to work with you, Countess."

You lowered the papers and gave a determined smile. "Let's go then."

Sebastian drove you to the murder scene behind Chief Peter's own police car. He escorted you both to the known part of London where most of the bars were. The two cars parked outside the long street of bars on the side of the road. Several people were standing outside the barricades trying to see what was going on. You unbuckled your seatbelt as Sebastian moved swiftly out of the driver's side and opened the door for you.

"I don't think I've been to this part of town before." You said looking around as Peter had motioned you and Sebastian to follow him down the bar street.

"It becomes very lively at night." He replied, walking beside you down the narrow cobblestone road. "Not a place a woman like yourself should find herself in alone."

You furrowed your brows and looked up at him. "You've been here?"

"Well, it is rather different now than it was before, but yes. You forget I have been doing this a long time, my dear. I have been to quite a few places and have many tales yet to tell." The demon gave you a closed eye smile before the two of you finally approached the crime scene.

Your Guardian Demon (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora