Chapter 9

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You ate an acceptable amount of food for Sebastian before grabbing another glass of wine and running off to find Dr. Jekyll. Your demon butler had deduced that she wasn't in the dining hall with the rest of you, so he recommended looking for more secluded places. Janet opted to staying at the table with Sebastian. You didn't blame her, but it did make you a bit irritated. Leaving him alone with another woman? Not an idea you were too fond of. You weren't jealous or anything, though.

You wandered up and down the hallways, peeking into any empty rooms. Then, you noticed a door leading outside into the court yard. Peering through the glass of the door, sure enough, you found Dr. Renee Jekyll sitting at one of the tables. Eating alone with only a few tall lamps lighting the area.

She looked so sad and lonely. Well, you came here to represent Queen Victoria. What would she do?

Your hand gripped the handle of the wooden portal and pushed. Renee jumped a bit and immediately looked up to see you walking toward her with a smile.

"Hi!" You waved to her.

After squinting her eyes a bit, she recognized you from the bathroom. "O-Oh, it's you. Hello." She replied, nodding her head.

"Thought you needed some company." You said to her as you approached the table. Her mouth opened a bit, trying to think of something to say. Renee's eyes looked back down to her food. "What're you doing out here by yourself?"

"I'm not fond of a big crowd." She admitted lowly. "Those people don't like me very much."

You waved your hand to the side. "Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much. They're nothing but a bunch of old goons who have nothing better to do than complain about everything. They just can't stand to see a woman of your intelligence win such a profound award."

"I suppose." Renee muttered.

There was a slight awkward silence for a moment. You cleared your throat.

"Well, I just wanted to formally introduce myself since I know your name. I'm Countess (Y/n) Phantomhive." You held out your hand for her to shake, but instead the doctor's eyes widened in shock.

The frizzy haired woman scrambled to pick up her papers. "Countess!? O-Oh, you should not be seen with me! I will do nothing but ruin your reputation! E-Excuse me!"

She went to stand but you gripped her wrist gently. "No, no! Relax, please. If anything, it would boost my reputation. You shouldn't worry about what other people will think."

Renee slowly sat back down, eyeing you shyly. "W-What do you mean?"

Sighing a bit, you thought back to the words Sebastian had repeated to you time and time again. "If you spend your whole life worrying about your image, you won't get anywhere in life. You'll just keep stepping around eggshells and never believe in yourself. You'll walk into every room thinking everyone is out to get you. But, if you walk into that room with your head held high, it won't matter. Everyone will just vanish."

The doctor looked down a bit, not seeming to believe you.

You continued. "You just represented every little girl who dreams of becoming a brilliant scientist. An award like that does not go unrecognized. That's why I'm here, actually. Her Majesty, the Queen, saw your work and sent me here on her behalf to congratulate you."

You handed her the letter that was sent to you by Queen Victoria as proof. Dr. Jekyll scanned the letter thoroughly over and over again, making sure she read it correctly.

"O-Oh..goodness." She sighed in disbelief.

"See? You have friends in both me and the Queen. We're on your side. That definitely counts for something, right?"

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