Chapter 10

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**NSFW in this chapter

The ride home was...interesting to say the least. Well, to Sebastian at least. When you both got in the car, you reached under the skirt of your dress and pulled out a half drank bottle of champagne that you had stolen from the bar. With no hesitation, you immediately began to drink straight from the rim. He ignored it at first, thinking if he did not show any irritation towards you, you wouldn't feel the need to continue.

Always desperate for some form of attention, this one. A simple fix. Sebastian thought. But, one other thing came to mind that he did want to discuss.

"Darling, do we need to further discuss what you said earlier regarding Ms. Janet?" The demon asked, a few minutes into the drive now.

"Nope." You said bluntly.

He merely hummed as a response. "Fair enough. If that is what you prefer."

A silence fell over you two, and Sebastian knew that at any moment you'd set the bottle aside and fall asleep. However, you brought the bottle to your lips and took 3 large sips.

Your butler's brows furrowed in confusion, glancing at you twice to make sure he was seeing this correctly. "My Lady, you realize this is considered open container inside a vehicle, yes?"


Deciding to push his buttons further, were you? You were quite daring this evening. Sebastian straightened in the driver's seat.

"Then you know we could get pulled over."

"I'm not drivin'."

His grip tightened on the steering wheel. "Yes, however—"

"Oh my god, let me live!" You yelled, giving him a dirty look.

His features went cold and he gave you a sharp glare, clearly not thinking you were funny or cute. But how could that be? You were always cute. You stared right back at him for a moment before letting out a burp.

The demon let out a low sigh. "You really test my patience when you act like this, (Y/n)."

This made you laugh. "Oooh, using first names. You must really be pissed at me. And act like what?"

"Like a child."

"I am a grown ass woman! I know what the fuck I'm doin'." You took another hefty sip.

To be honest, you were starting to get irritated at Sebastian babysitting you. So, you wanted to have a little fun tonight, what's the big deal? Everyone else was drinking and having a good time!

"I am not amused by your behavior right now. You are a Countess and this was an opportunity for you to—" He was cut off suddenly.

"I behaved! I mingled, I talked with the old people, I represented the Queen to Renee, I did all of that, did I not?"

"You did." Sebastian said begrudgingly.

"So, what's the problem? I'm allowed to get drunk and have fun after work. But if you have that much of a problem with it, then fine. You win." You set the bottle down on the floor of the car and crossed your arms over your chest, looking out the window and refusing to speak for the rest of the ride.

Really, you didn't know what he was going on about. You did what you had to do! And honestly, you had a good time. You found someone you could talk to and relate to. Meeting Janet and actually have a girl friend was refreshing and something you haven't had in a while. In your mind, you were allowed to let loose a little. But according to your butler/jealous ex-boyfriend, apparently not.

Your Guardian Demon (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now