Chapter 14

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"So someone did this with their own bare hands or feet or whatever. No weapons."

You caught Sebastian up on your findings with the Undertaker. The two of you sat in your office with the coffee you purchased in London. Sebastian stood slightly behind you as you sat at your desk, staring at all the photos of the victims as they smiled right back up. He brought his knuckle up to his chin in thought, bringing his gaze down a bit.

"And it sounds like they're only taking a select few."

You sipped on your iced coffee and looked at the files that splayed across the polished wood. "We're at a dead end here. These seem completely random other than the fact that it's all happening at the bar street. No specific person seems to be taken or killed, and there are no witnesses."

"Do not lose faith, my Lady. There still could be information amongst the victims that they all have in common, no matter how minor it may be." Sebastian replied.

"Yeah, I guess we could go into their internet profiles and find something. But, regardless if we find anything or not, I think we need to go into these bars ourselves to investigate."

You opened up your laptop and brought up all the basic social media young adults use nowadays, yourself included, and began searching for all the names of these poor men and women.

The demon gave a small smile. "I was thinking the same thing. It would give a good opportunity to catch them off guard as well. They surely know by now that the police and Her Majesty's Guard Dog are on their trail. It would also be fun to be back in a similar place to where you and I first met."

His voice brushed by your neck as he leaned over your shoulder. You rolled your eye and gave a small smile, your cheeks turning a shade of pink. Nothing like him boosting your ego and still finding a way to tease you.

"The age of social media is truly fascinating to me. All of one's personal information just out for everyone to collect." Sebastian replied as he watched you find a few of the victims.

"Okay, boomer." You said with a small scoff. Your butler furrowed his brows and turned his gaze to you.


"Nothing, nevermind."

"Well, I'll let you focus. I shall return with a snack for you." He bowed slightly and left the office for a moment.

After a few minutes of scrolling, you were able to successfully find nearly all the victim's social media in one form or another. It was sad to see, though. All the new posts were about how much those closest them missed them and how they died too young. You wondered who would write these sweet messages to you when you died. All these smiling faces and bright futures snuffed out on a night meant to be harmless and fun. Seeing this gave you a push towards your goal of finding whoever did this.

You scanned through several pictures and wrote down every note you could find on the victim's individual files. Your butler returned to find you circling a small bit of information on each form.

"Have you found something, my Lady?"

You jumped up from your chair, leaning over the desk. "Yes! I know how they're connected!"

The crimson eyed man blinked and stood there, still holding the tray of assorted fruits and vegetables. You lifted your eye to him with determination and seriousness.

"They all went to the same school. The same school we were at last night."

"The Imperial College of London?" Sebastian raised a brow. "That is quite peculiar."

"None of them mentioned anything about it at the awards ceremony. No announcement, not even a 'thoughts and prayers', nothing. How do you not bring something like that up to a room of staff members and high class people? Like, one of them surely knows something." You slightly clenched your fists against the desk.

Your Guardian Demon (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin