Chapter 31

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In a single moment, you were there in the present and then gone the next. The worried shouts and cries of Renee faded, and you were met with darkness. What happened as you passed out? Did Sebastian make it in time?

There was a brief space of silence, and you relished in it. A moment of peace. Maybe you died? The thought frightened your soul a bit. But, seeing as how you were still able to even think of the possibility and weren't being devoured by your demon butler proved this theory wrong.

That, and the growing sound of old classical music catching your ears. It sounded distorted, but familiar. Your eyelids fluttered slightly and slowly opened your eyes. The sight of a steaming cup of tea on the long small but wide table in front of you made you wish you had died.

"Fuck.." You whispered to yourself and dropped your head back in dread, gripping the long skirt of your Victorian style dress your blue-eyed family member always placed you in. The old graphophone in Ciel's study played the most awful music you've ever heard in your life.

You were back in the part of your mind that your second great grandfather occupied. Really, in his afterlife he had nothing better to do than haunt you? He wasn't sitting across from you like normal, though.


Rather than thinking about it further, you stood from your seat and fully took in this version of your study.

This was the first time seeing the room to its fullest extent. Normally, you just sat on the sofa across from Ciel and played chess while having a boring conversation about your life choices. It looked fairly similar to the one you occupied now, minus a few design preferences.

The graphophone started to skip on the small cylinder and started to grow increasingly more eerie.

That's enough of that.

Sighing in annoyance, you hiked up the length of your cyan-blue skirt a bit and walked over to the speaker, trying to make it stop but genuinely couldn't figure out how the old thing worked.

"I see you do not care for good music." A male voice spoke suddenly from behind you.

You spun around and watched your second great grandfather close a door that was previously not there.

Great. Just who you needed to see at a time like this.

Lowering your head, you crossed your arms over your chest. "I really don't have time for you right now. I'm working."

"Working? Is that what you call what you were doing?" He stifled a laugh and moved toward his place on the sofa across from the one you previously occupied, setting down a cup of his own tea.

"Yes." You replied bluntly.

"Well, good thing you came here, then. Any further 'work' from you would have been quite a sight."

Licking your lips and rolling your eyes, you sighed deeply. "What do you want? Do you always have to drag me in here with you every time I close my eyes?"

"That is not entirely true. I appear when I feel I am needed to assist you."

Moreso when he wants to interject his own opinion.

Ciel sat down and crossed his ankle over his knee, gesturing you to sit across from him. "This is one of those times. Now, please, sit."

You stood your ground. "No. I don't plan on being here long so there isn't a point of me getting comfortable."

"You will want to hear what I have to say."

"Then say it. My ears work just as well standing."

His brow twitched. You were getting under his skin. Good.

Your Guardian Demon (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora