Chapter 19

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Sebastian carried you inside the quiet, dimly lit manor. You sat still in his arms, eyes puffy and tired from the crying and hurling you had done earlier. He remained silent as well, knowing that speaking to you right now would not help things or how you were feeling. So, he could only do what he did best.

Your butler brought you to your room, taking you to the bathroom and setting you down on the sink. You watched him move to your rather large bath tub and turn the water on, his slender fingers  checking the water temperature before plugging the drain. While the porcelain tub began to fill with hot water, he brought his attention back to you.

Your eye trailed down to the floor, feeling too ashamed and embarrassed to look at him. Sebastian took one of your hair clips from its proper container and gently pushed your bangs back, clipping them away from your face. He scanned your pitiful face for a moment, those crimson orbs softening.

Mascara had run down your cheeks and your lipstick was all but gone, some of it slightly smudged on the side of your mouth. He took a cotton pad and your favorite micellar water, and began to remove the remnants of your makeup. His gentle touch, along with the cooling sensation of the makeup remover, made your eyes shutter close in relief.

Sebastian gave a soft smile as he ran the pad over your eyelids. "Don't fall asleep on me now, my Lady."

"Then keep talking to me." You quietly requested. "I expected you to be yelling at me by now."

"I would never do such a thing, my dear. Easy now," His hands suddenly went to your waist and you had to bite your lip to keep a tiny gasp back.

The firm-handed butler placed you down from the counter, but did not move his hands. "I will talk with you for as long as you would like. But, we need to get you fed and hydrated. While I prepare these things, get into the bath and relax. When I return, we will discuss what ever is on your mind. If, that is acceptable to you, my Countess?"

Your eyes stared up at his. You forget how fucking entrancing they are. But, he was a demon after all.

"Sure." You answered. Your butler gave a smile.

"Very good." His hands slipped from your waist and turned to leave the bathroom. "Shall I let you undress on your own?"

Normally, you would prefer it. However, this time...this time you shamelessly wanted him to undress you. You wanted all of his attention and touch right now. Anything to keep you from thinking about what happened earlier.

"What if I asked you to do it?" You suddenly asked, ever so boldly but still innocent sounding as ever.

But, Sebastian knew better. That question did make him pause, though. The demon turned back to face you, and returned that sweet gaze of yours. How pitiful you were, indeed. Those big eyes staring up at him, almost inviting him to stare right into your soul. He had to take a breath to compose himself.

"If my Lady asks it of me, then I do as I am ordered. That is our deal, after all." The butler clasped his hands behind his back and leaned down a bit to meet your eye level. "Would you like me to remove your clothes, my Lady?"

Your cheeks burned red hot and you swallowed hard, growing a bit nervous. Maybe he had a point; you did need a bath and to freshen up. God, you wanted him though. Even if he may or may not be pissed at you.

"No, it's okay. I-I was just saying 'what if'." You laughed awkwardly and lowered your gaze to your hands. You didn't need to see him to know he had a snide smirk on his face.

He stood straight and slightly rolled his shoulders back. "Very good. I'll return shortly."

With that, he went out of the room, closing the French doors of your bathroom. You sighed the moment the doors closed and dragged your hand down your face in exhaustion and annoyance. This night just turned into a train wreck. But, there was nothing you could do about it now. In the morning, you'd track down this Edna Hyde bitch.

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