Chapter 26

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Okay, it was clear now that Renee muttering to herself as she made her way to her classroom. No phone in her hand, and the headband pushing her curly hair back made it clear she wasn't wearing headphones either. Who the hell was she talking to? Oh, probably just that other personality inside of her head.

You tailed behind her at a far enough distance where if she turned around too quickly you would be able to hide. It was proving difficult, though. The damn building was so quiet you could hear the whistle in your nose every time you inhaled. You ended up holding your breath to ease the noise.

You pressed yourself against the wall and peered around the corner as Dr. Jekyll unlocked her classroom. Seeing the key in her hand made you clench the copy of it in your own. She suddenly glanced around her surroundings, turning her head in your direction, and you tucked yourself into the corner tight. Holding your breath, you prayed she didn't see you.

It wasn't until you heard the soft click of her door opening that you let out a slow, relieving sigh. Her door shut almost as quickly as it opened, and you moved quickly. You slightly crouched as you made it to her door and pressed your ear to the wood. No muttering. Nothing at all. You took the handle, turning it a bit. Sure enough, she had locked it back from the inside.

You took the key, now a little slick with the sweat from your palm, and carefully slid it into the lock. If she was still in there, how would you explain what you were doing?

Whatever, you'd figure it out as you go along. Using your free hand, you gripped the handle of your gun and with one swift turn, unlocked and opened the door. You burst in with no hesitation, expecting Renee to be sitting at her desk, but the room was empty.

With furrowed brows, you looked around the classroom in confusion. You saw her come in here, where was she? As your (e/c) orb trailed along the empty desks, a door you hadn't noticed before caught your eye. It sat directly across from you, with a sign slapped right in the center.

'Staff Only. Do Not Enter.'

What a lovely invitation. You hurried over to the portal and slowly opened it, eye widening at the sight behind it. A winding metal staircase leading both up and down the painted brick stairwell. You stepped inside and let the door quietly shut behind you. Leaning over the railing, you eyed how far each direction led. The stairs led up to the roof access of the building, but below, you couldn't tell. It was dark after a certain point.

There was a scent you recognized, though. Renee's mothball scent carried in this tiny space, and it led you down the mysterious stairwell. Maybe you shouldn't go alone. Should you call for Sebastian? No, you could do this. This was your plan; stick with it.

Taking a deep breath, you hurried down the staircase, holding onto the thin metal railing for dear life. The sound of your shoes against the metal echoed in the narrow space. The further down you went, the colder it got. But the smell of her presence was getting stronger. After about 3-4 flights of stairs, you made it to the bottom and was once again met with another hallway of doors.

Good lord, who the hell built this place? You thought to yourself. You wondered if Sebastian was experiencing the same issue.

Your demon was, unsurprisingly, having a grand time exploring this tunnel he stumbled upon. He hadn't seen a catacomb like this in years.

It was clear the tunnel was built sometime ago with the university being built on top of it. Used in the wars, possibly. Being that the tunnel was so dark, it was difficult for even the demon to determine which direction he was going.

No doors, just rows and rows of stone and brick. The butlers' fluorescent eyes peered forward into the darkness, looking around aimlessly for any clues. There was a soft dripping sound that suddenly perked his ears. It came from in front of him, possibly by a few feet. He moved in its direction until he arrived to the source.

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