Chapter 5

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It felt like the moment your eyes had shut, they were open once more. A knock on your door stirred you from your sleep and you rolled onto your back with your arm draped over your eyes as Sebastian let himself in.

"Good morning, Miss (Y/n)." He said cheerfully, holding a bottle of water.

You groaned and sat up. "Morning." Reaching over to your nightstand, you picked up your phone and checked the time. 7am, right on routine.

Sebastian handed you the water and you started taking small gulps of it as he pulled out your workout clothes for the morning. You scrolled through social media, looking through new posts from your old classmates, and the occasional news article. You couldn't help from smirk a bit at one particular post.

"Find something amusing?" Your butler asked as he laid out your clothes on the bed.

"Not really. Just one of these girls that was in my class got back together with her baby daddy for the third time." You put the phone down and stood up from the bed, changing out of your pajamas in front of him.

"Well, love always find a way when it comes to children, I suppose."

You pulled on the dark purple leggings that clung to your legs, having to jump a bit to get them over your butt, and clasped on your sports bra. Sebastian came up behind you and began brushing your hair back into a high ponytail, before reaching over and grabbing your eyepatch.

"Have you ever thought about kids?" You asked innocently, turning your head a bit to look at him. "I think it'd be nice."

This caught Sebastian a bit off guard. His cheeks flushed a bit, and those crimson eyes went wide. You couldn't contain it any longer and started to laugh at his reaction. The demon sighed.

"Really, you do know how to push my buttons, Miss."

"Of course, that's my job. Can't make anything too easy for you. Speaking of, what's on my schedule today?"

As he finished tying your eyepatch around your head, you took a step away from him to stretch. He placed his hands behind his back. "Well, like usual, after your morning workout, breakfast will be served at 8am, and we will check to see if Her Majesty has sent anything new. Then, Lord Midford will be arriving around 9:30am for sparring and combat practice."

Ah, your cousin Edward Midford the 7th; his 3rd great grandfather being your 3rd great grandmother's brother. Honestly, the family tree was so messy you weren't sure who was what to you anymore. Anyway, since the unfortunate death of his father and his mother's imprisonment, he had taken over as the Head of the Order of the Garter. Quite impressive for a 24-year-old. The two of you had made quite the name for yourselves as the youngest members of Queen Victoria's Noble Court.

"After that, we will need to make flight arrangements for you to visit and attend the Grand Re-Opening of the Phantomhive Nightclub." Sebastian replied.

"Yes!" You shouted loudly, smiling widely. "Fuck, I'm so excited!"

As the two of you headed out of your room, you did a little dance in celebration. This made the demon smile a bit.

"You are certainly in a better mood than yesterday. It is nice to see you bright and cheery again."

You put your ear pods in your ears. "Yeah, so don't ruin it."

Really, you were just excited about going back home.

He placed his hand over his chest. "I would never dream of such a thing, my dear. Off you go now."

With that, you began your usual daily workout. Playing your workout playlist,

Your Guardian Demon (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now