Chapter 11

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The familiar scent of Earl Grey and a gentleman's cologne filled your senses. You opened your eyes slowly, the one cursed glowing against the dim candlelight that gave this dream a slightly comforting feeling. Sitting in your study, your eyes scanned the room for any unwelcome guests. Who awaited you this time? You looked down to the coffee table in front of you and saw two cups of tea and a small chess board. One cup in front of you, and one on the other side of the table.

Raising your gaze, you saw your second great grandfather sitting across from you with his legs crossed and cheek leaning into his hand; looking bored per usual. Like always, he appeared not as old as he was when he passed. He always showed up at the same age as you. Normally, his visits were never good.

Great. You took in a slow breath and leaned down, moving a single white pawn forward on the board.

"Are you not going to greet your grandfather?" Ciel asked.

"Hello, Ciel." You said begrudgingly.

"Hmph. 24 years old and you still lack proper manners." He moved a black knight. "How are things going?"

"Fine. Business is running smoothly, and Queen Elizabeth sent me to represent her at an award ceremony. So, finally getting some publicity, I guess."

You were never fond of his visits as time grew. Before, when you had just started this crazy journey, he was your mentor. Albeit it was harsh, Ciel gave you a reality check of what this job truly entailed. It helped in the beginning. But, more recently he has not been as supportive as before. Just kept pushing you. You hadn't seen him for a while now. The fact he showed up now made you nervous.

"I see. Intriguing how you and I have very different opinions on your progress." The blue haired man took a sip of his tea slowly before motioning for you to make your move.

You pursed your lips and sighed through your nose, pushing your one pawn further toward his black painted army. "Well, I think I'm doing fine."

"Regarding Phantom Toys, are you being respected by your employees?"


"Is that so? So, your managers at the warehouse cursing and belittling you is what you consider respect?" He suddenly moved his knight forward two spaces, successfully taking your pawn.

You rose your gaze to his cerulean eye with a small glare before adjusting your self on the sofa. "I handled it."

Ciel couldn't help but laugh. "It seemed to me that Sebastian is the one who handled it. You cried. And that publicity you speak of, that was a pity invitation. That is not publicity."

Your grandfather was relentless. Your parents died before you did anything of real value; would they scold you like this too?

"Well, it was something." You said in defense of yourself, moving a knight forward now.

"You appeared at an event not worth Her Majesty's time. Mingling with minor Ambassadors and what is left of the wealthy elders is not enough. As a Phantomhive, you are the one that solves the murders those idiotic police cannot. With how many times you have been put in harms way, and nearly died, are you truly proud of what you did for her tonight? You think that was enough?"

You clenched your fists in your lap. You hated it, but he was right. You almost died several times because of an assignment Queen Elizabeth gave you, and all you got was a thank you letter from her while the police, detectives, and literally anyone else but you got recognized by her to the public for their bravery.

Ciel watched you in silence before sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. "(Y/n), what is the nickname that Scotland Yard gave us that has stuck for generations?"

Your Guardian Demon (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora