Chapter Twenty two

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"Wake up baby girl...its your wedding day" I heard Charlotte's voice in my sleep.

"Please just give me five minutes more...I'm still sleepy" I said

"You won't want to keep Ryan waiting at the church" she said and i open my eyes and saw Lydia and Charlotte looking into my face.

"What's the stare all about ?" I ask

"We've been trying to wake you up but it seems like you've been dreaming about your wedding" Lydia said

"Oh please...but today is my wedding day...I don't want to keep Ryan waiting" I said and sat on the bed.

"Thats why we've come to get you prepared. So go into the bathroom and take your bath. When you're done, notify me by knocking the door. You wouldn't want to be late for your wedding" Charlotte said and walk out.

"Be fast Maya...we don't have all day" Lydia whisper before going out too. I sigh and walk out of the bed.

I'm still sleepy but I can't keep my groom waiting. I walk into the bathroom and my bath has been prepared already.

I took off my clothes and walk into bathtub. The water scent like that of strawberry. I smile as I bath. Today is my wedding day and I'm so happy.

I finish bathing and I walk out of the bathtub back to the room with a white towel tied around my chest and my hair.

After I finish applying my body lotion,I knock on my door as i was told to do. After about five minutes, the door open and Charlotte and Lydia walk in with four other ladies and one was carrying a makeup box. I guess they're the makeup artists.

"So this is the bride to be. I want you ladies to transform her to look more beautiful. I want Ryan's and every other person's mouth to left open immediately they see the bride" Charlotte said.

"We're up to the task miss Charlotte. The bride is really beautiful. " the lady who seems like the leader said.

"Yeah...she's my brother's wife to be. Her name is maya" Charlotte said smiling.

"She's my friend" Lydia said giggling.

"And she's my daughter in law" we all heard Mrs Greenville's voice as everyone laugh.

"'re not suppose to be here" Charlotte said

"Why can't I be here?...I'm also a woman young lady" she said and everyone hold their laugh.

"Look around the room mum...there's no one of your age here. You're supposed to be with your husband" Charlotte said

"Charlotte...leave her alone...she's our mum remember" I said

"Oh my beautiful daughter in law...don't mind this lousy daughter of mine. How do you feel now that you're getting married?" She ask as she got to where i was.

"I'm so nervous mum" I said

"Don't be nervous my darling daughter. Just be happy because its a one in time things. Artist...start your job. Let's not keep her groom waiting" she said

"Common miss Maya...let's get you more beautiful" the leader of the makeup artist said and i went to sit on the makeup seat.


The keyboardist started playing the keyboard as I walk into the church in my long wedding gown and white heels. I was holding my bouquet with a white veil covering my face.

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