Chapter eleven

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I smile as I got to the place where the statue was kept. It was a portable statue so I can just keep it in my luggage and tell the Greenvilles that I want to stop working for them.

Yeah...but right now, I don't have anywhere to hide the statue so I can take it to my room.

I time when I'm coming, I'll make sure to bring something. So, mission extend to tomorrow. I left the place and walk to my room but not without turning to look at the statue over and over again.

I am rich!!!


I couldn't just hold myself anymore, slapping Charlotte was the only thing on my mind at that moment. How dare she speak to me in that manner in front of Maya? She was lucky I didn't do more harm else...I just need to cool my head in a bar or something.

I pull off my office outfit and walk into the bathroom to freshen up. After bathing, I dry my body and came out to get ready for my clubbing. I place a call across Alexis and he picked at the first ring.

"Hello dick head" he said at the other end

" wanna go clubbing?" I ask

"Of course...sure. Which of the clubhouse dick?" He ask

"Shut up ass and meet me at the dizzy clubhouse. Inform Damian about it too" I said and he was about saying something but I disconnect the call.

I put on my clothes and walk out of my room to my private passage and stare at that door first. I sigh and walk away - outside to my car. I told my guards not to come with me and I told my driver to give me the car keys. I was going to drive myself alone to the club.

I got to the club and park my car at the parking lot. I came down from my car after putting on a faz cap so that fans won't see me.

I gently walk into the club and walk straight to the bar.

"A glass of vodka please" I said to the bar attendance and he gave me the glass of vodka. I took it down all in one gulp feeling the burning sensation down my throat.

"Another glass of vodka" I said and I was given. I took it down in one gulp again and felt the burning sensation down my throat.

"Hey're drinking without us" I heard Damian's voice and I look up to see my two crazy friends.

"You guys are here already" I said

"Yeah we you won't kill us with your bad tongue" Alexis said and damian laugh.

"'re a dick" I said

"You say what?" he ask

"Ok ok guys should stop the argument" damian said

"Damian...are you the one saying this or there is another human in you saying what youre saying huh?" I ask

"Common...what are you saying ass?. Are you saying that i argue too much?" he ask forming an angry face.

"We all know that Alexis is your argue mate" I said

"Nah Ryan...I don't know that" alexis said

"Shut up bitch. Who told you that you must know that you're a talker?" I ask

"Gosh! I'm never going to argue again" Alexis said

"So you're going to leave me alone. You want me to be lonely huh?" Damian ask

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