Chapter one

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I woke up from my sleep as the alarm rang not so loud in my ears. Well I've already gotten use to this almost condemn alarm. I just have to manage it since there's no money.

I checked the time and it was showing 7:20am and I jump up immediately. OMG I'm going to be late for my interview that's suppose to start by 8:00am.

I rush into the bathroom and did my morning routine. I was fast about it because time wasn't on my side

After bathing, I came out of the bathroom with my hair dripping wet as I wipe the water off with my hair towel.

I apply my body lotion and put on my best clothes. Well since my dad died two years ago, we haven't gotten any new clothes because we barely eat not to talk of having new clothes.

I was done with everything already. So I took my phone and left my room. I walk down the stairs as I met mum setting the dinning. I check the time and it was 7:35am. I'll just spend five minutes with my family and leave.

"Good morning mum" I said as I got to the dinning room.

"Morning my child, how was your night" she ask

"It was fine mum" I said looking around and couldn't find Liam.

"Liam isn't awake yet?" I ask

"You know your brother Maya" mum said

"Yeah I know him to be a lazy rat" I said

"I heard that Maya" I heard Liam's voice as he walk into the dinning already dressed up for school.

"Common Liam aren't you a lazy rat?" I ask smiling

"Ahhhhhhh" he groan and we all laugh

I check the time and it was 7:40am already. I stood up ready to leave.

"I'll start going to the interview mum, I'm running late already" I said

"OMG!!! I actually forgot that today was the interview" mum said

"It's okay mum. Take care of yourself before I get back and Liam, be a good boy at school" I said

"I've always been a good boy" he said and we all laugh

"Alright guys bye" I said and left the house to board a cab to the Greenville's mansion.


I'm Maya Brooks, I'm 22 years of age and a beautiful lady. Well yeah I'm very beautiful that's why guys keep pestering me all around.

My mum is beautiful and my dad is handsome. So why won't I be beautiful?

My dad is dead actually. He was murdered in cold blood two years ago when I was still in my second year in college. I had to drop out of school because there was no money to further my education.

The people dad worked with, took everything that belongs to us except our house and everything in it. We had to start selling our properties to get money and take care of ourselves.

I promise to fish out those people that had an hand in my dad's death. I'll make sure they pay for murdering my dad.

That's enough about me for now..

The cab stop in front of the Greenville's mansion. The Greenville are the most wealthiest and most powerful people here in Mexico.

You don't mess with them and go scot free. They control this city with their wealth. They derive Joy in watching people suffer but I had no choice but to come seek a job here because we find it very hard to feed and Liam has to go to school.

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