Chapter three

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"Dad,what are you talking about" I ask climbing down the stairs with dad following me.

"What I'm saying is make Ryan fall for you by all means,that's all" dad said as we got to the living room.

"So you mean I should seduce Ryan?" I ask turning to face him.

"Something like that...look piper, making Ryan fall for you will make us very wealthy" dad said

"Are you then saying that I should date Ryan because of what I'm going to get?" I ask again

"Piper, stop talking like a child. Reason like an adult" he said

"What if Ryan doesn't fall for me dad?...and why are you so bent on me making Ryan fall for me?" I ask

"Common Piper, enough of the questions. Just do as I say and you won't regret it" dad said and i look into his eyes and saw so much greed inside.

I'm definitely going to make Ryan fall in love with me but I'll make sure dad's plan doesn't get accomplished. I know he's up to something.


I wipe the sweat in my face after cleaning Ryan's room. The room was just too wide. I've never done this type of cleaning in my life and here I am in the Greenville's mansion doing it.

I went to the equipment room, where all the cleaning materials are kept and drop the mop stick, the broom and bucket.

I was walking back into the house when two cars drove inside the compound and stop at the parking lot.

A guard came out of the front car and open the car door at the second car and Ryan came out looking so handsome as ever.

He was putting on a white sleeve shirt with two loosed buttons and a black pants to match. He's looking really sexy right now but who am I to drool when he's sister is around.

He saw me on his way in and he stop walking.

"Meet me inside" he said before walking inside and I follow behind. I wouldn't want to make him angry.

I walk behind them till we got to his room door. He dismiss his guards and turn to me.

"Go get me a glass of pineapple juice" he said before walking inside the room and I nod and left.

You all know why I had to nod. I wouldn't want to get into trouble on my first day in this mansion.

I got to the kitchen and I wow at how wide the kitchen is. Maids we're walking in and out of the kitchen. It was really busy in here.

I walk to a lady, who was carrying cabbage to the freezer. Actually there were a lot of freezer in the kitchen. I guess up to seven of them. I wonder what they use them for.

"Hi, I'm Maya and please can you show me where I can get some pineapple juice?" I ask and she turn to look at me. She stare at me for sometime before turning back to what she was doing.

"Hi...i just talk to someone" I said getting impatient. Mr Ryan will be waiting for me by now.

"And do I look like your errand girl?" she said harshly

"Oops...sorry. I didn't know I was talking to a bitch" I said about leaving before she draw me back holding my arms.

"Don't think that you can talk back at me because you're Ryan's personal maid. I can make your life miserable" she said and left my arms.

"I should have known that you're just being jealous" I said and walk away to another part of the kitchen to get the pineapple juice. I had to look for the freezer where pineapple juice are kept this time.

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