Chapter twelve

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"What evidence do you have to prove that she's guilty?" Charlotte ask

"Here's an evidence Mr Ryan" Lydia said and gave her phone to Mr Ryan

He look at the phone for a little while before turning in anger to the guards.

"Take her to the torture room"he commanded and walk away. I guess he's going to deal with her himself in the torture room.

Charlotte walk up to me and eyed me before saying.

"You'll never get away from this" she said and walk away. The other maids and guards went back to their duty post.

Actually, Mr and mrs Greenville weren't around. I've always known that there was something about Andrea. She was here to steal from the Greenville. What a world!.

I walk with Lydia to the maids quarter and we went to our room.

"Thank you so much for coming on time Lydia. I wonder what I would have done to proof my innocence in front of everybody if you didn't came on time" I said looking so grateful.

"Its okay Maya...what are friends for?" she said

"I know but I'm really grateful. Gosh! just Imagine how she was doing. Everyone would have believed her if you didn't come on time" I said.

"Yeah...I've always suspected that girl right from the first day I saw her in this mansion. I knew that her motive here were of no good" she said

"Me too. After the day she spoke to me rudely when I ask her to show me where I can get pineapple juice for Mr Ryan, I really suspected something about her but I didn't know she was a thief" I said

"It's okay Maya...just be happy that you've been vindicated. She has fallen into the Greenville's wrath and she'll pay for it" she said

"Serves her right" I said and we both laugh.

                           MADAM SELENA

"Gosh! that fool told me that she was capable for that job. I should have sent Romeo if not that Andrea told me to send her." I yell immediately I got the news that Andrea has been caught.

Incase you don't know, I always place a tracker on the body of all my workers so that incase anyone of them try to escape with my money, I would be able to trace him or her.

Andrea has fucked up and she has to pay for that. I can't rescue her from the hands of the Greenvilles. I knew that the task was a dangerous task that was why I wanted to send Romeo but she boosted that she was equal to the task.

And now that she has been caught, let her rescue herself.

"Guys...I know that we do rescue ourselves when each of us is in danger but at this point, I don't think we can rescue Andrea. We all know how the Greenvilles are. We wouldn't want to feel their wrath? Let her suffer for challenging me" I said and raise up, then walk to my room.

I left them to their murmuring. Well they are free to murmur. I'm the leader of this gang and I'm free to place an order and everyone must obey it.

Andrea dared me and she has met her doom. She'll have to suffer alone.


I walk around the torture room with a whip in my hand. Andrea or whatever has refuse to say anything even after giving her the beatings of her life. She's fucking bleeding right now and I won't hesitate to kill her if she doesn't talk.

Puzzle of my heart Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat