14 | "...ghosts aren't scary..."

Start from the beginning

Hinata had asked Momona to accompany them mainly because she feared leaving her alone with a monster, but the brunette insisted she stayed back because 'being a third wheeler was depressing'. No lie in that.  So while she waited for the blonde to arrive, she allowed Momona to style her hair for her, the one thing the brunette wished for but was never allowed because Hinata had trust issues.

Immediately after Momona had wrapped the braid around the neatly tied bun, the doorbell rang, signalling her cue to leave. She turned to examine her reflection in her bedroom mirror and smiled contently at the brunette. "Thank you." Momona smiled,

"Your husband is waiting," she emphasized her word on 'husband', leading Hinata who rolled her eyes down the spiral staircase. The bluenette opened the door to witness a desperate blonde. She arched an eyebrow and turned to Momona for an explanation. "He needs the bathroom Hinata-sama." Her lips twisted to form an 'O' shape before she stepped back and opened the door wider for the blonde to rush in.

Hinata waited, but for some reason, she felt impatient. What kind of guy takes hours in the bathroom, asides from Neji? She glanced over at his car key that lay lifeless on the coffee table in the sitting room and decided she'd be doing the driving, so she picked it up and found her way outside.

After a possibly two-hour lecture from his previous maid on how to win a lady's heart, Naruto finally stepped out onto the porch of the Hyūga Compound to find an impatient Hinata leaning against his bright orange car with his car keys dangling from her index finger. She glanced over to him and her lips formed into a mischievous smirk. "Took you long enough, and for that, I'll be taking the wheels." Naruto sighed, stepping in front of her.

"Hinata give me back my car key." She shook her head, resting the hand that held tightly onto the keys on the hood of the car. "Make this easier for both of us and hand me my car keys."

"Why can't you let your innocent little fiancée drive the car?" She asked, blinking rapidly and masking an innocent smile. Naruto scoffed, inching closer.

"Innocent my ass, and have you attend my funeral one week later bawling your eyes out. Sure thing." Naruto put his hand out in front of him and stepped closer to the bluenett who flinched, then everything went blurry. She cursed to herself, trying to calm herself down. It's just Naruto, she thought to herself, It's just Naruto, he's not gonna hurt me, he's not.

That's what you thought when you saw Hiashi walking up to you, coming to comfort his grieving six-year-old because of the death of her mother, but what did he do?

He slapped me.

Exactly, and don't forget his customized whip just for you, with sequence and razor-sharp gems. It was beautiful, wasn't it? ALL OF THEM ARE THE SAME, even Kiba, you were never truly happy in that relationship were you? But were always such a kind sweet girl, and that is why people always CONTROL you.

That's not true,

It is.

Hinata flinched when she felt warm hands pressed against her cheeks, snapping her back into reality. When her eyes finally cleared, she felt warm breath brushing against her neck. What was happening? Almost immediately, Naruto pulled back with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face, raising his left hand which had the car keys dangling from his middle finger.

"The keys are mine now, get in the car." Hinata pursed her lips, brows knitted close together,

"That's not fair." She said as she climbed into the passenger seat, putting on her seat belt. Naruto shrugged, putting on his and starting the car.

"Life isn't fair."





"Why not?"

"Because I don't like haunted houses."

"Why? Let's just go you're not gonna die."

"No." This has been going on for at least the last half an hour and the two still haven't come up with a decision yet on whether to enter the haunted house that looked more like entering the mouth of the Loch Ness Monster or not, and currently, Hinata is bent on going home than step foot in there. "I don't like haunted houses and I'm not going in there."

"Hinata, ghosts aren't scary, you'll be fine, trust me." He reached out to grab her hand only for her to flinch and retrieve hers immediately. Naruto placed his hand on his hips and heaved out a loud sigh. This was going nowhere. "How about this, you go into the haunted house with me and you get to pick any ride you wanna go in next." Hinata's ears perked at his words. It was a reasonable deal. She arched her eyebrows,

"Any ride?" Hesitant, Naruto nodded swallowing a lump in his throat, "Okay," she nodded slowly, "Fine." Although he smiled at his minor victory, there was a war within him. Letting Hinata pick the rides they go on would probably be the cause of his death.


Hinata's eyes slowly peeled open as the warm sunlight came into view. She sat up, noticing she had been leaning on a tree under the shade. She looked around in search of a certain blonde to find him walking over, two ice cream cones in hand. He squatted beside her, handing her the strawberry flavoured ice cream while he kept the vanilla to himself.

"What happened?" She asked, taking the cone into her hand.

"You passed out." Hinata leaned back against the tree trunk, a sigh leaving her lips. "Now before you say it's because the haunted house, you totally survived that. You past out because of the ride you chose yourself, so you're one to blame." Hinata's hanging jaw slowly closed as she realised she couldn't blame him for anything. She pursed her lips.

"It's not my fault, I would be fine in the ride if you hadn't forced me into that stupid haunted house." She pouted, licking her ice cream and folding her hand over her chest.

"Or because you wanted to pay me back for convincing you into entering the haunted house with me and your plan backfired." He sent her a victorious smirk, licking his own ice cream. Hinata felt her face go red and she glared at the pink substance that balanced on her cone, slowly melting in the sunlight.

"Fine you win. Geez." She shifted so her back was facing him and drew her legs towards her chest. "Next time we're doing what I want first and I'll show you it's because you forced me into a suicidal-death machine!"

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