When rescuing a friend

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"Man what a dump" "Keep your voice down Natsu". Levy walks around the hall "It should be somewhere, check all the halls" Panther Lily was sitting on her shoulder and asked "What are we looking for exactly?" "It's a large iron door". Natsu spaces out for a bit and asks "If the door is made of iron why can't he just eat his way out?" Lucy chimes in "Well given the weather conditions and the age of the house the metal is most likely" "Rustyyyyy" Happy flips in the air.

"It...yeah pretty much".

~Time skip~

"Huh?...Hey Levy look what I found!" Happy calls, he'd found the door. The gang stands before it "Well open it" Natsu says.

Lucy shivers "Is it me or is it getting a bit cold in here" "Um we have to break it open I don't have the-" "STAND BACK!" Natsu rams the door busting it down Lucy managed to move Levy out of the way. Happy and Lily flew out of the way just in time.

"There's nothing in here!" He yelles, Happy flies in "It's just a closet" soon Levy runs in "W-what? Nonono he's gotta be here this is the exact door!".

It was just a closet, "It was through this door I swear". Lucy stood back and examine the door, it had a fairly large key hole, Lily asks "What are you thinking?" "Hmm...Guys come back out I have an idea". They leave and Lucy bends and twists a paper clip "Did you have the key the first time in here?" she asks to Levy "Yeah I guess so".

Lucy sticks the clip now shaped like a key into the hole "Well maybe if I stick this in I can trick the door into thinking we had a spare key" Natsu and Happy stood in amazement "Wow but how do you know if it will work?". The lock closed and opened with a click and Levy pushed the door, now it was the room "Celestial Secret".

The room was pitch black Natsu went in first into the darkness followed by Lucy and Happy, Lily stayed close to Levy if Gajeel was indeed trapped he'd take care of Levy in his place. "Ok everybody stick close" "No kidding" "Aye Aye sir".

Levy dismissed their growing concern and went on ahead, the room felt a lot larger than before. "Solid Script Light" she summed the word that shined brightly in the room however it wasn't as bright as she'd hope and the room was indeed much larger.

Happy's eyes grew with excitement for he had an idea "Hey we can use Natsu's nose to track his scent!" Lucy hugged the exceed "Happy that is a wonderful idea!" the other exceed nods with a grin "Should be no problem with his dragon senses" Natsu crossed his arm he felt somehow praised from the idea "No sweat! I can track him easy!".

Lucy looked at Levy who all she did was look onward, gently she placed wrapped her arm around her shoulders "Don't worry Levy we'll find him soon I can feel it" you could always rely on friends to make you smile.

After walking around for what seemed like an hour or so Natsu stops, Lucy walks up to him "Hey what's..." she trails off, Happy clings to her shoulder trying to hide himself. Levy looked at Panther Lily who was shaking a bit she pushes the three aside "Why did you all stop?" At that moment it hit her an awful smell of blood and an out line of a figure was the only thing she could see.

"Gajeel" she whispered out he didn't say a word. The room was unbearably cold but no one complained, Lucy held onto Natsu trying to warm and semi hide herself, Natsu lends his arm to her which she now keeps a cold grip on.

Levy inches closer to the heavily wounded dragon slayer she saw that his wrist were cut up from his shackles "Happy hold this" she passes him the only light source in the darken room.

Lily glides to her side and gently places a paw on Gajeel's throat checking for a pulse "He's alive but not by much." "Help me break these" he said with a bit of relief.

Natsu and Lucy each grab a chain and started pulling, tugging, doing  anything to break the chains.

Happy flew around trying to provide each some light so that they could see. He passed the light to Gajeel's face, he looked asleep, peaceful, if it wasn't for the bad gash he had on his left side "We should try to wake him up Levy" Lily says.

She looks at him and tries to wake him up "Can you hear me Gajeel?" She shook him only slightly, she didn't want to harm him further. "Wake up" he wouldn't answer "We've come to get you out!" Levy said a bit too loud making him flinch at the volume, Lily's eyes lighten up a bit "He's waking up" Gajeel's voice was quiet but he managed to make it clear "G-get out".


Lucy and Natsu jump, shrieking from the sudden out burst. Panther Lily pulled out his sword and changed form. Happy flew close to Levy still holding the light. Levy only turned in shock in front of them stood another spirit, different from the child's.

Natsu regained his composure and stood next to Lucy with her keys at the ready, Lily stood behind them providing a second wall of defense.

"HE'LL PAY FOR WHAT HE DID!" the ghost shrieks and charges at them Natsu and Lucy block her attacks each using their magic. Lucy with her celestial guardian Taurus and Natsu with his Fire Dragon claws.

Gajeel mumbles and groans in his sleep, Levy tries breaking the chains with no results "Happy stand back" she yells at the exceed "Lily see if your sword can cut through this" she motions to Panther Lilly. "Careful" he cautions her, using all his force he slices through the chains.

The ghost saw this and blocks another attack from Natsu and Taurus "ENOUGH!" she screams. Thunder cracks through the sky and suddenly Taurus was pulled back into his gate, Natsu couldn't use his magic anymore he yells "What did you do to us!?". Happy responds "She just cut off your magic!" Lucy frantically tries her keys "No No No I can't summon anyone!".

With incredible force the spirit slams both mages into a wall they laid still in the ruble.

"LUCY NATSU!" Happy cries flying over to his friends, Levy caught the light source. Panther Lily stood his ground and charges at the spirit, he was close enough  for it to punch his chest reverting him back to his cat form. She slams him to the floor and throws away his sword, her eyes glowed red with hate and prepared to blast Levy with a fire ball.

"WAKE UP!!" Levy screams and closes her eyes shut as the angry spirit throws the ball of fire straight at her.

"I'm dead" she whispers "ImdeadImdead, I died" she nervously opens her eyes, there was a pillar in front of her. A gruff voice behind her sounded familiar as it said "You promised".

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