Mystery deals

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Gajeel walked from the Inn to the Pub and sat on a stool bar. The Bartender starts wiping the bar top with a rag "What will it be?" "Beer and make it snappy".

After having just a few mugs an old man walks in wearing a trench coat. He had black hair and had bags under his eyes probably from lack of sleep. Both the bartender and Gajeel eyed him as he sat a couple of seats away. Silence fell between them till the old man for the first time looks up at them and goes wide eyed at Gajeel "What are you staring at?" He grunted while he took a drink putting his best intimidating face "You are...from Fariy Tail?". Gajeel nods and puts his mug down "Yeah, does it matter?".

The old man rapidly stands up and gets closer "ARE YOU A WIZARD?" Gajeel raises an eyebrow "Why you ask?". The man takes the empty seat next to him "I have a request".

Gajeel listens as he orders another round. "Could you watch my mansion while I'm out?" Gajeel rolls his eyes "Maybe, for what price?" "Four jewels" Gajeel chokes "Buddy I ain't doing a request for four jewels do I look stupid to you?". The man digs in his pockets and held up a pouch, he then opens and grabs a jewel.

"You don't look stupid to me" he says as he hands him a very large jewel. "Holy...These are HUGE!" He gazes at their size "I didn't know they could be this big they must cost a fortune!" "Indeed they do and there's three more in this bag" Gajeel weighs the prize in his hand "All I have to do is house sit?" The old man brings out an iron key "Watch it until I return".


"We're doing what?" "Are your ears clogged? We are house sitting a mansion for an old man" Levy looks at him doubtfully, he leaves to the bar and he comes back with stories of a man offering his house for who knows how long paying with four supposedly large jewels.

"Gajeel how much did you drink?" "Lighten up Shorty it's an easy pay" she gives up with a sigh, if the jewels are as big as he says they can give one for Jet and Droy when they come back "Fine ok we'll start tomorrow" . Finally it was late so they headed for bed Gajeel slept on the couch leaving Levy the bed.

Sometime during the night it started raining, cold wind started stirring and some thunder could be heard. Gajeel had stired awake not by the storm but by someone nudging his arm. "Shrimp? What do you think you're doing?" "I can't sleep" he grunts "Go to bed". Levy didn't leave, she kneeled down beside him "It's cold and I'm a bit scared of sudden storms. C-could you sleep with me?". It took him a moment but he then fully realized what she said "Sure no problem Shrimp" on the inside he was actually happy she'd asked when she was scared, sort of means that she trusts him enough to ask for help.

"Alright you good?" Levy nods, they laid on the bed facing each other "Ok so get going" she frowned at him "But now I'm no-" a loud thunder cracked, Levy closed her eyes and held tightly on the blanket unaware of her guildmate's blush. "Damn she's cute" he thinks to himself "Hey Shrimp uh go to sleep, I'm right here so you can...I don't know hold me if you're scared ok?" Levy didn't hesitate, she pulled herself closer to his chest and held his arm. Feeling blood rush in his cheeks he sighs "This is gonna be a loooong night"

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