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"So she's only attacking the person with the key? THE OLD GUY TRICKED ME!" Quickly he frees Levy, this time both chains were broken "That basterd tricked me to weasel out of this!". "It's no use...she'll keep going" Levy mumbled, she got paler by the minute "Be quiet you need to save whatever energy you've got left" as Gajeel carried her out he noticed the key still on the ground.

A plan began to form in his head he picks it up and runs out of the room, before he could begin anything he had to get her to safety.

Once outside the house he began patching her head wound thankfully it wasn't as bad as he'd thought. Levy started to wake up and looked around "He brought me outside? Did the ghost give up?" "Gajeel" he was wrapping a piece he ripped off his shirt around her head "Good you're awake. Thought you'd be in a coma or something".

Gajeel gave the makeshift bandage soft tugs making sure it was on not too tight but secure. "Where's the ghost? Did she leave?" She got up and started limping as she walked around the front porch "Hey sit down for a minute you got hit in the head" "So?" "So sit down and rest for a moment Shorty, I'd walk you all they way to town but you aren't exactly light" Levy sighed and sat on the floor next to him "It's still Levy" "Sure whatever you say Shrimp".

For a while everything was quiet, the weather although not by much looked better. The clouds were still blocking the sun but the rain had stopped and the wind blew calmly. "Gajeel" "Yeah?" "Back in the house when I was missing...did you call me by my name?" He laughed and ruffled her short blue hair "Ha, you must have hit yourself pretty hard to think that!" She swatted away his arm Gajeel laughs for a bit until he realizes something.

"Now that I remember, what we're you going to say? Before it got you" Levy blushed and looked away "I-I don't know what you are talking about". They sighed in union, Levy looked down at her feet and started tearing up remembering their fight "I didn't mean it what I said to you I never meant it" again she caught him by surprise hugging him.

"It's ok Levy calm down" "No that was horrible of m-Wait did you just?" "Ah shit" he mentally curses "I said Shorty!" "No you said Levy. Say it again!" he began to blush a bit she looked adorable when she was excited, Levy pulled his arm.

"Say it Gajeel I won't tell anyone!"

"That's cause there's no one but us! No I won't say it again".

The way he denied made her laugh, Gajeel looked away trying to stop his blush "Give me a break it slipped out". He gets up and stretches "Come on you've stayed here long enough" Gajeel helps her get up "What about the jewels?" "Screw the jewels, you're not staying here any longer".

They reached the opening they came through Levy was first to pass through she turns back and waits, he doesn't cross "Come on Gajeel, what are you waiting for?".

"Yeah...about that" Gajeel grins and scratches his head "I can't leave" Levy stares at him in disbelief "What do you mean you can't leave?. Y-you're joking" Gajeel laughs nervously "Where's...the key?" Levy's eyes grew with fear.

"No, no you didn't! DID YOU EAT THE KEY!?"

"Surprise~" he responded meekly.

"Idiot!! Why did you do that for!?"


Gajeel managed to get them out unscathed. He settled Levy down, she would flinch every so often but other than that she slept. As he looked at her he rips off a part of his shirt figuring now is a good time to wrap up her head wound.

He kneels down and feels something in his pocket poke him, he grabbed the object "Oh I forgot you're a thing" it was the key. Suddenly it got hard to breath and the air grew cold.

"You...have the key?" A small voice speaks behind him, it was the child. The sky turned darker and the wind picked up. Gajeel didn't react he was too focused with the key, the spirit appears in front of him. Gajeel holds Levy closer just incase.

"You'll pay" she said "YOU WILL ALL PAY!" Her eyes glowed yellow and a horrible smell appeared "Calm down!" "How can Levy sleep through this?".

The child calms down but her menacing demeanor doesn't fade "She said you'll only attack whomever hold this right?" He shows the key, the girl turned from angry to fearful "Yes, but you'd have to stay!...forever".

Gajeel looks at the key was he really going to risk it? He turns to Levy who was still sleeping, she looked peaceful "Hell ya I am".

"Ok listen up! If I stay you have to promise you won't hurt anyone else" "So you did kill me?" "Yeah sure" he started to eat the key the child was about to cry but it changed to anger "W-why you'd do that?".

"So that she or anyone else can't take it back" the girl looked sympathetic but it was coldly replaced by a stone glare "Any last words?" "Let me get her to safety...please".

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