I will not fight you

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I started to stir and wake up realising I had just gotten a good few hours of sleep without disruption from my own mind.

"Good morning, y/n. Sorry to disturb you but you have 15 minutes until your training session this morning." I jumped slightly at Jarvis' voice but ease before getting up and deciding to get ready for the new day ahead. I dressed quickly trying to remember how I got from the living room to my room last night and vaguely remember being carried but not remembering more than that. Noticing the time to be 5:53 am I knew I woukd be right on time this time.

"Hey J, who is training me today." I always enjoyed talking to Jarvis so would usually use my time of walking around the tower to ask him questions and talk to him.

"It is Steve today." I smile slightly knowing I have a sort of familiar face training me today. As the elevator doors opened on the floor Steve and I are training on today I hear Jarvis' voice again.

"Your therapist will be waiting for you at 1:30pm for your session."

"Anazing, thanks J." I finish his and mine conversation as I step through into the room noticing we weren't alone today, suddenly putting me more on edge.

"Dead on 6am, how are you this morning y/n?" I walk towards where Steve stood already waiting for me.

"I am doing a lot better this morning thank you for asking. How will we start today?"

"Well first off, starting 6am for our sessions is perfectly fine every Tuesday. Secondly my sessions will be used as a way to assess you against different skill sets not just me which is why the others are all here today." I look around noticing  that he was right, everyone was here and geared up except for Bruce who sat on the sidelines.

"First you and Loki will go against one another in hand to hand combat, no abilities." Steve directed the last comment towards Loki except they didn't know I could manipulate the shadows and darkness around me  not very well but I could still do it. Me and Loki moved towards the centre of the area as the others all stood and sat beside Bruce to watch us, I wait and stand assessing Loki as I had no information about him without realising he moves for me and I dodge watching how he moves with ease and precision, very swiftly and silently clearly a skilled fighter. We face each other again both analysing our opponents movements and all too quickly a switch flickers inside my head almost like Hydra mode was straight back on not deadly or wanting to kill them but this was a challenge and it was either win or don't come back. This was Loki Laufeyson he moved with precision and malice, sly intentions was clearly evident and he remained sarky and sneaky as a smirk lived on his face, a huge ego was evident but he was dark md mysterious hard to predict. He made a move at me and I quickly moved out the way. If I want to put him in his place having a huge ego myself would take him by surprise giving me time to mirror his actions skill giving me the edge to switch into my usually take down choreo of fighting. He goes at me again and I move out the way staring him down with my own smirk this time and like I said confusion and surprise rested on his face for a few moments before he leaps for me wanting to tackle me. I move out the way while grabbing his arm and twisting it with ease before kicking him in the back sending him tumbling to the floor, this earns a scowl from the man and a true smirk from me. All too quickly he kicks out my legs from below me before going to pin me down as I rolled to the side kicking up to stand up perfectly, Loki throws a punch towards my face and we enter a whole dance of each of us using fancy skills while fighting trying to one up the other. After a few minutes I land a surprise jab on Loki's stomach causing him to double in surprise and I take this opportunity to flip over him using my legs as a stable way to wrap around his neck and bring him to the ground enabling me to switch positions as my legs now pin his calf muscles to the ground hitting a spot I know hurts everyone as I grasp my arm tightly around his neck cutting off enough air to make him panic and struggle but still leaving him with enough air as to not get knocked out.

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