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"Doll, I'm off I wanted to say goodbye to the two of you before I left." I roll over slightly to see Bucky stood beside my side of the bed, looking at him with confusion.

"The two of us?"

"We're pregnant." I lay my head back down on the pillow not having enough energy to put up with him.

"I'm pregnant Buck, you're just the annoying father that won't leave." thinking he had left I feel a warm kiss brush my cheek for a few seconds making me smile lightly.

"I know you hate being woken up so I'll leave you be now, see you soon. Love you both." I laugh a little at him deciding to play along.

"We love you too. Be safe." at that my bedroom door closes and I go straight back to sleep until a few hours later when I woke up in a haste for the toilet due to morning sickness, not realising how much Bucky was helpful before when I was throwing up until now. After about 10 minutes I sat back a little taking a deep breath and letting my stomach settle down again and deciding on taking a shower to feel fresh again, I go take the shower making me feel a lot better before going to get dressed. As I was getting dressed my phone rang, it was Tony so I pick it up.

"What's up Tony?"

"Wanted to check you were alive, Bruce wanted to check in because you're pregnant, the rest want to know if you want Pancakes or-"

"Pancakes yes, I'll be there soon." I quickly hang up before rushing to finish getting dressed and swiftly make my way to the frontal house where the sweet smell of pancakes floods my nose, I walk over to the table at such a pace any one would think something was wrong and it was. My stomach, I sit down and immediately start eating pancakes.

"Someone is already craving." I look up at Nat with a face full of pancakes and an offended look.

"I'm not craving."

"Mhm. Sure." I ignore her before eating my food and finishing before everyone else.

"Well, that was quite impressive I'll admit." I give a proud smirk in return to Loki's comment as we all stand up moving into the living room before I sit down I stand still getting a sick feeling.

"You alright?"

"I think I ate too fast after morning sickness." at those words I run to the nearest sink being the kitchen and unloading everything, I feel someone hold my hair back and rub my back. After a few minutes not as much as this morning I stand up straight wiping my mouth before taking the cup of water from Clint surprised it was him that followed after me.

"I know how to deal with it, Laura has given birth to three of my children and I was there for her through it as much as I could be. This will be over for you soon I promise." I smile at him as I finish washing the taste from my mouth.

"Are they going to move in here?"

"Oh yeah, just packing them and moving them is taking longer than it would for us." I nod in understanding before walking back into the living room where everyone asks if I'm okay, me saying I was fine let us all go about our days again. 

"Guys can we train and be productive today?"

"We can, you can't." I give a shocked look at Wanda.

"Why not?" 

"Because you're pregnant and Bucky would kill us."

"Bruce, I can still train right?" he looks around at everyone.

"Well, yes she can but not as intensively as she usually would. More lighter and workout sort of stuff."

"Ha!" I stand up abruptly and leave for outside waiting for the others who all join me too slowly for my liking.

Let Me Struggle With You | Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now