Join The Avengers

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For too long I have been left in this room alone, It's too white and bright and I hated it. Suddenly the door goes again and the man from before comes back in and sits in the seat opposite me staring at me for a minute.

"Nick Fury, I'm the Director here and I want you join the Avengers." I stare deeply at him slightly in shock but I'm still skeptical.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're desperate."

"Oh really? Why so?"

"Because you and I both know Hydra are using you as a weapon but you're too afraid to go against them because they're the only people and place you've ever known." I stare at him, he was spot on but I wasn't going to verbally admit that somehow I feel he already knows.

"If I say no to your offer?" I dodge the last comment and get to the point.

"You remain here in one of our cells forever." I think about it and now I'm given a chance to escape a life of cells I'd be stupid to not take it but there's still a problem.

"You realise I took down half of your team?"

"I do."

"You realise they'll hate me."

"They'll learn to like you and know you for who you are." With not much to worry over I see no other option better than to take the offer.

"Fine. I'll join." I see the corner of his mouth lift into a small smirk.

"That's great but you do realise we don't know the important things about you like your name or appearance." I realise I can't hide for any longer so decide to give in.

"My names Y/n Y/L/n and I'm 27 years old." once I have said this I look down and remove my mask covering my mouth before slowly letting my hood down revealing my bright blonde hair (again if you're not blonde this can be for any hair colour it's up to you all colours are stunning). I look back up at Fury with my soft but sharp e/c eyes.

"Nice to meet you." my true voice reveals itself it's softer and less harsh now there's no mask changing it. I watch Fury gently smile at me and it makes me feel a lot more at ease.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/n. Now, you will be staying in the Avengers tower with the rest of the team you'll get your own floor due to adaptation and conversion from Hydra. You'll also be under close watch for a while and go through evaluations." I took this all in and it sounded perfectly fine to me I expected nothing less.

"One wrong move and you're locked up, understood?" I looked at him and nodded.

I watched him get up before unlocking the cuffs keeping me from exploring y surroundings, I slowly stand up still in slight pain from the blast I experienced I look over to Fury to notice he's now stood by the open door knowing this will be confirming my decision I follow him out through the door to be met with intense and scanning stares of the rest of the Avengers. I immediately stood straighter and firmer giving nothing away.

"Avengers this is your new member you will treat them how they should be treated and have patience, understood?" A chorus of nods comes in response before Fury walks off in a random direction suddenly feeling worried I face the Avengers and begin talking.

"I already know who each of you are and I'm sure you all watched my interactions in that room so I don't believe there needs to be any introductions." they all continue to stare at me but I hold my ground before Black Widow steps forward slightly.

"You knew of us doesn't mean you know us, I'm Natasha Romanov." I ease slightly.

"Y/n Y/L/n." we nod at one another before Captain America steps forward with his hand outstretched.

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