Asgardian Books

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As I'm attempting reading I notice someone walking into the room and decide to look up from my book to see who was walking in realising it to be Sam.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey y/n, I understand you would prefer to be alone so I'll just be in the corner on my phone." I watch him plop down on the sofa in the corner immediately pulling out his phone.

"You got forced down here didn't you?" he sighs.

"Yeah I did, doesn't mean I don't want to be down here though it's just.."



"It's ok Sam I get it completely, still don't know one another and I need to earn your guy's trust still."

"You have mine, I just don't know you very well." 

"You trust me?"

"Yeah, I thought you were pretty bad ass when you took down half of our team, if I wasn't there who knows where they'd all be right now. It's incredibly impressive and not to mention you were in a bad situation that you were forced into, we can't hate you or not trust you for it." I don't know what to say to Sam it all being too much that I never even asked for.

"Thank you Sam, that really means a lot I think me being hospitalised has finally really helped me and the rest of you guys finally talk to each other as people."

"Yeah it has but better late than never."

"Couldn't agree more." after that I went back to reading and he went back to playing on his phone, it wasn't an awkward silence at all but a pleasant one and I wasn't arguing with it. Me and Sam stayed this way for what felt like hours which it had been it was now 2:30 in the evening and Jarvis had to alert us of an emergency.

"Mr Wilson, you're needed in the briefing room."

"Is everything alright?"

"The others need you for a mission."

"Tell them I'll be right there."

"Of course"

"Y/n I'm sorry but I have to go now I don't know who will stay and watch you but I'll see you later." I smile gently at Sam waving him off.

"All good, I understand." He quickly rushes from the room as I go back to reading not noticing that no one had come down for a while.

"Y/n, Mr Rogers is trying to come through in a call to you." I furrow my brow before placing my book aside and give him my full attention.


"I'm here Steve, what's going on?"

"All of us were needed for this mission so you've had to be left alone this time, Stark is going to routinely check with Jarvis on your location and condition when he can as a precaution still. We don't know how long this will take but can I trust you not to pull anything?" I state bewildered in front of me at him asking if he can trust me for this, and in honesty I didn't really have anywhere to go at all nor did I really want to leave I didn't mind being here.

"Of course you can, I understand and will await your guys' return." I hear a faint sigh of relief.

"Alright, just as a heads up if trusting you with this ends well Fury may ease up a little and the others definitely will."

"That sounds pretty good" I whisper back at him playfully which he chuckles at lightly.

"Alright then, see you soon."

"Good luck." Then the line was cut off and I was left alone to my own thoughts and my temporary hospital room. If I really wanted them to stop seeing me as an ex-Hydra agent then following Steve's orders for this is the step I need to get there so I decide to pick up my book and continue from where I left off knowing I had the time.

Let Me Struggle With You | Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now