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It was now the 4 week mark of being hospitalised and things were seeming much better than the first day I arrived here, the others all tried to see more of a colleague and type of friend than the enemy now making it much easier to not completely dislike the situation I am in by being here.

I got daily check-ups and routines from Bruce only bringing us closer on the terms of friendship which was nice, he definitely got protective over me quite often but it was nice, kind of like an older brother I never had. Loki visited quite often to bring me books after I finished the previous and most of the time he's vacate in the corner of the room reading his own until 2 weeks ago he started being more open to me and had grown quite close too.

Wanda and Steve always tried to bring food and get me to eat some much to my dismay, slowly the amount I could keep down was increasing. They never stayed a lot but we always conversed when they were here and it was nice, never forced. The others never visited much but they did when they could and it was nice to know they were trying with me. Sam, Steve, Clint and Loki in the same room was always entertaining and we all had a great time definitely my favourites so far.

However, there was one person that never visited at all especially not after he awoke and was deemed fit to leave. He never once made eye contact and never once said a word which I completely understood but it had been 4 weeks later and I had never seen him at all and it bugged me slightly especially since I wanted to know if he was okay.

"Hey y/n excited for your final check today?" I put my book down as I smiled at Bruce entering the room.

"God yes, I've felt fine for the past 2 weeks." he laughed at me before beginning his checks.

"I know, but just because you have triple the serum doesn't mean you get special treatment."

"I get that, but still." he shook his head before beginning to remove my bandages.

"Well your stitches healed perfectly and should be perfectly fine now, taking it easy for the first week is recommended still but you're free to go now." at those words I leapt from that stupid bed before engulfing Bruce in a hug, it took him a minute or two before hugging me back just as tight.

"Thank you Bruce, for everything."

"No problem at all y/n." I let go smiling before leaving the room and heading up to the communal area where everyone was gathered besides Bruce as he stayed behind for his work. Everyone's heads turned to see who had entered the room before they all welcomed me, all except Barnes.

"You've been discharged then?" I nod before grabbing a water bottle and taking a seat on the flaw on the furthest side of the coffee table away from the others. 

"Yep, Bruce said I'm all good just got to take it easy for the first week but I'm all clear." they all nodded before resuming their conversations and I sat there just staring into the room not looking at anything in particular.

"So, what do you guys all want to do?" we all look over to Sam.

"Lets go out to a nightclub." everyone began to agree with Natasha, I wasn't allowed to leave the tower at all so realising they were all going out I stood to vacate away to my room. 

"Y/n, where are you going?" I turn around to face all the others.

"Going back to my room, I'm not allowed to leave the tower at all." nothing is said between anyone for a few moments.

"You've not been outside at all have you?"


"Then you're coming and if Fury has an issue he can take it up with us." I stare at Steve.

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