Prime Minister

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"Alright everyone do we all remember the plan? Once we get a way in our main priority is to get the prime minister and get out nothing extra." everyone nods and hums in agreement. We were all currently sat on the Quinjet heading to the base we were briefed on and we were going to be 2 hours until we reached our destination. I was currently sat beside Bruce as I listened to him talk about all the work he was doing at the minute down in his lab, me and Bucky hadn't spoken a single word to one another since the little fight last night and I had gathered by now that the others had found it about it.

"Has he still not come to talk to you yet?" I sigh as Nat comes over to sit beside Bruce.

"No. And I don't want him to, not now anyway."

"I agree with y/n." Nat gives Bruce a look.

"I just think if it were me and you to have a fight I'd want to be alright before we went into a mission where our survival is never guaranteed."

"Honey, that's if it were me and you. I think y/n should-" having enough of them deciding for me I cut them off.

"Hey! This is our fight, not yours. Besides this is our first fight or spat and I think we need to go through this on our own." they both sit quietly looking at me before they nod at me, deciding I'd had enough I stand to go and sit alone in a corner of the jet. As I sat there I watched as Bucky made his way over and sat beside me, nothing was said for a moment until he piped up.

"I'm sorry." I don't reply for a moment as we sit there.

"What was that all about yesterday?" He sighs before turning to me so I do the same.

"Honestly I'm not so sure myself, I guess I was struggling with the fact you're going on this mission and the thought of something happening to you scared me." After I think over his words for a moment it makes more sense why he had behaved so harshly over us not having that date last night but it still didn't give him the right to get upset with me.


"Not Barnes anymore, nice." I give him a look.

"Right now, seriously?"

"Sorry, sorry." I take a breath before continuing.

"Bucky, I get where you're coming from but you had no right to get so upset with me when this is my first mission with you all away from Hydra. I'm going to fight Hydra for the first time and that scares me I could really do with you understanding where I'm coming from. Also, I can't believe you'd ever think that's how I'd be in a relationship let alone with you."

"I know, I know. I was way over line last night and I understand now how hard this is going to be for you today, as well as how important this is to prove not only to us but yourself that you can fight Hydra and you can do this." at the final part he takes my hand in his own as I smile at his words.

"Thank you, that means a lot." he smiles back at me.

"So, are we good?" I nod leaning in to peck him on the lips.

"We're good." at this we share another kiss.

"You two made up." we look over to Wanda with a smile.

"Yeah, we did."

"She just couldn't resist me." at this I smack the back of his head earning an 'ow' from him as I smile.

"I notice you do that a lot now." I kiss his cheek with a sweet smile before standing from my seat to go use the facilities.

"Where are you going?" I laugh realising how much I missed Bucky's clinginess.

"Just to use the facilities don't worry." he relaxes as I leave.

Let Me Struggle With You | Bucky Barnes x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя