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It was now the 30th of November and I had currently just woken up wrapped in Bucky's arms, he was still sleeping but I was excited for the day of decorating everyone had ahead of them. Checking the time to see it was 8:46am I knew it was a Sunday so everyone was sleeping in, but not anymore I quickly sat up and turned to face a sleeping Bucky.

"Love. Wake up." I shake him and he doesn't move or wake up at all.

"Love, come on, get up." he rolls over making the covers slip down slightly to reveal his bare back and I try to not get distracted.

"Come onnnn, it's decorating day." he doesn't move at all but this time he talks.

"Doll, it's Sunday. Sleep in today." I groan at his groggy, morning voice not wanting to sleep in.

"I don't want to sleep in I want to decorate. Besides the faster we get it done the faster we can go back to cuddling." This makes him move to look up at me properly clearly thinking.

"Fine. But cuddles straight after and you've got to deal with the other sleepy Avengers." He starts to get out from bed as I jump out of bed and rush to get dressed.

"Fine by me." I turn to see Bucky wearing his boring usual clothing.

"Bucky, no you're not wearing the same boring clothes I actually got Nat to pick up Christmas clothing for everyone and I'm wearing mine so you got to wear yours." He gives me a look as I grab the clothing tossing it at him which he catches with ease before sighing end changing into the new clothing.

"Doll, we're matching." I smirk.

"Oh I know." He shakes his head at me.

(Just the matching hoodies with matching black jeans)

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(Just the matching hoodies with matching black jeans).

"Come on admit it, we look adorable." I walk over and give Bucky a hug as he wraps his arms around me to look down at me.

"Yeah we do, that's the problem." I roll my eyes and peck his lips before moving to brush through my hair.

"Do you think you could go up and start on making the pancakes, please?" I look to him as he nods.

"Absolutely, you going to notify them?" I hum in response as he walks past grabs my ass with a smirk and leaves.

"Hey J, please annoy all Avengers to wake them up and tell them it's decorating day also if they complain tell them Bucky is making chocolate chip pancakes."

"Of course, y/n." I thank him before finishing getting ready and heading upstairs to see Steve and Sam were already up there conversing with a cooking Buck.

"Really? Waking everyone up before 10 on a Sunday, you realise what you've unleashed?" I smirk over at Sam.

"Oh I know which is why I'm heading off in a minute." I make my way over to a plate of pancakes Bucky had already made and grab one for myself and starting to eat it.

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