Chapter 27: What the hell were you thinking

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Jus in Bello 1

Sam, Dean, and Alexis broke into the room, guns ready. Once seeing no one was there, they started searching everything. Going through drawers and cabinets.

"Any sign of it?" Dean asks.

"Nothing." Sam replies.

"Its not here." Alexis adds.

"Sure this is Bela's room?" Sam questions as he stands up from checking the safe.

Dean, who'd found a drawer full of wigs, looks over. "I'd say so."

The three hunters share a look when the phone that sat on the bed started to ring. Dean slowly made his way toward it, he looks up at Sam and Alexis as if asking what to do. When the two shrug, Dean picks up the phone with his pointer finger and thumb, he raises it to his ear, careful not to let it touch him though.

"Dean. Sweetie, are you there?" Bela's voice cuts through the speaker.

"Where are you?" Dean asks.

"Two states away by now."


"Where's our usual quippy banter? I miss it."

"I want it back, Bela. Now."

"The little pistol, you mean? Sorry. I can't at the moment."

"You understand how many people are going to due if you do this?"

"What exactly is it that you think I plan to do with it?" Bela questions.

"Take the only weapon we have against an army of demons and sell it to the highest bidder?" Dean suggests.

"You know nothing about me."

"I know I'm gonna stop you."

"Tough words for a guy who can't even find me."

"Oh, I'll find you, sweetheart." Dean says. "You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track you down."

"That's where you're wrong. You're about to be quite occupied." Bela tells him. "Did you really think I wouldn't take precautions?"

Alexis sighs as the door was kicked in and a bunch of cops rush in the room. "Are you kidding me?" She scoffs.

"Hands in the air!"

"Down on your knees!"

Dean had dropped the phone, muttering, "Son of a bitch."

"On the ground. Now." An officer yells as the three hunters stood with their hands above their heads.

After being forced onto the floor, the three hunters had to listen to an officer say, "Sam and Dean Winchester and Alexis Hart, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Alexis had stopped listening after that as she was being handcuffed. A man walks into the room causing all three of them to look up. Henricksen stood above them. "Hi, guys." He greets. "Its been a while."

"It has." Alexis agrees as Dean sighs. "Miss me?"


Sam, Dean, and Alexis walk through the doors and into the police station. They stop about halfway through the hall to see two officers, a receptionist, and Henricksen standing behind the desk.

"Why all the sourpusses?" Dean asks with a smile.

"I'll show you to the cells." An officer, Reidy, speaks up.

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