Chapter 5: I'll take the money

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Sin city 1

Alexis sat Indian style on the bed as Dean slipped into the room. He walks toward her, setting a hand on the side of her neck. "Hey, sweetheart." He presses his lips to hers.

"Hey, baby." She mumbles as he pulls away. "So, uh, I have something I wanna tell you."

"Lexi, is everything okay?" He asks. Alexis nods her head.

"I just wanted to tell you about what happened to me. You know, with the whole kidnapping thing."

"Darlin', you don--"

"I want to. I do." Alexis cuts him off. "So, uh, when I was there, I learned that they have been keeping some of the things they hunt and they brainwash them. Turning them into weapons. Which I heard my dad talk about when I was young but it was just an idea. So the scars on my chest, they, uh, they came from a werewolf that they had set loose in the room. That's not the worst part, I'm honestly just trying to stall." Alexis chuckles a little.

"You can tell me, Lex. If you want." Dean sets a hand on her arm, sliding it down until her hand was in his.

Alexis nods, taking a deep breath. "Well, later, I don't know how long, he came in. Saying he had a surprise for me. Then--then they pulled you into the room. I-I begged them to stop, but they kept torturing you. Then it stopped. The took you out and I was left thinking you were dead. It--It was horrible, Dean. I thought I lost you." Alexis bit back the tears as Dean knelt in front of her, setting his hands on her knees.

"But it wasn't me. Baby, its okay."

"I know that now. Then they came back in. Lee, he gave me a shot. Told me I'd forget what I just saw for a short amount of time. I did. So when they brought you in again, I didn't realize it was a shifter they were using. Then you--you started to tell me that I wasn't good enough. That you regret ever meeting me. How I'm a mistake. And that it would be better if I was dead. Then you, um, you grabbed a-a knife--"

Dean pulled her in his arms, shushing her. "Hey, hey, its okay. I'd never hurt you. Lexi, you're not a mistake. I don't regret meeting you. That was the best day of my life. I met my best friend and the love of my life that day. How could I regret that?"

"You're my best friend too." Alexis mutters, her arm going around him. Neither of them had noticed what Dean had said. It just felt so natural and it slipped out. "That's why I pushed you away. I'm so sorry I did. I thought you would realize all those things were true. And I was scared that it wouldn't be you with me. It would be the shifter."

Dean ran a hand through her hair as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. "Sweetheart, its okay. We're good now. Its fine. We got past it. That's all that matters."

Alexis nods, taking a deep breath. "I know, mea vita."

"Latin? What's it mean?" Dean rubs his thumb across her jaw.

"I'm not gonna tell you." Alexis smiles.

"Hey, that's not fair. You could be calling me a bitch or an asshole or something and I wouldn't know."

"I call you asshole in English. Don't need another language to do that." Alexis jokes.

Dean chuckles. "You're really not gonna tell me?"

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