Chapter 22: How dare you

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Dream a little dream of me 1

Dean walks into the bar and spots Sam and Alexis. "There you two are. What are you doing?" Dean asks.

"Having a drink." Sam answers.

"Dean-o." Alexis smiles. "Have a seat and A drink."

"Its two in the afternoon. Drinking whiskey?"

"I drink whiskey all the time." Sam shrugs.

"No, you don't."

"Oh, don't be a buzzkill, Dean." Alexis pats his back.

"What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars all the time, hit on chicks, why can't I? Well, you don't hit on chicks anymore, but..." Sam trails off.

Dean glances around. "Its kinda slim pickings around here. What's going on with you?"

"I tried, Dean."

"To do what?"

"To save you."

Dean took a seat between Sam and Alexis. "Could I get a whiskey, double, neat."

"I'm serious, Dean." Sam says.

"No, you're drunk."

"I mean, where you're going...what you're gonna become." Sam scoffs.."I can't stop it."

"Well, we could've, but--" Alexis starts.

"Sweetheart, be quiet." Dean pats her knee.

"I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it." Sam admits. "But really, the thing is, no one can save you. Not anymore."

"That's what I've been telling you two." Dean sighs.

"No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you because you don't wanna be saved."

Alexis downs the rest of her drink. "He's right. You just can't wait to get dragged to hell and leave m--us here all alone."

"I mean, how can you care so little about yourself?" Sam asks. "What's wrong with you?"

A phone ringing cuts the conversation short. "Hello?" Dean answers. "Yes, this is Mr. Sniderson." Dean pauses. "What? Where?"


Sam, Dean, and Alexis stood by the hospital bed, starring at Bobby, who had fallen into a coma.

"So, what's the diagnosis?" Sam asks, looking to the doctor.

"We've tested everything we can think to test. He seems perfectly healthy." The doctor answers.

Dean crossed his arms over his chest. "Except that he's comatose."

"Mr. Sniderson, you're his emergency contact. Anything we should know? Any illnesses?"

"No, he never gets sick. I mean, he doesn't even catch a cold." Dean shakes his head.

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