Chapter 8: Bumblebee and Not-an-artist

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Bedtime stories 1

"I don't understand, Dean. Why not?" Sam asks from his spot in the backseat of the Impala.

"Because I said so."

"We've got the Colt now."


"We can summon the demon--"

"We're not summoning anything."

"Deans right. My summoning days are over." Alexis sighs, resting her feet on the dashboard.

"Lexi." Dean hisses. She rolls her eyes, moving her feet.

"We can force her to let you out." Sam continues.

"We don't know that'll work." Dean argues.

"We'll shoot her. If she dies, the deal goes away."

Alexis scoffs. "Who told you that, Demon Deals Weekly? Cause it's bullshit."

"We don't know if that'll work, Sam!" Dean yells. "All your pitching me is a bunch of ifs and maybes and that's not good enough because if we screw with this deal, you die."

"And if we don't screw with it, you and Alex die."

"Sam, enough! I'm not gonna have this conversation."

"Why? Because you said so?"

"Yes, because I said so."

"Well, you're not dad."

Dean turned to looks at Sam. "No, but I am the oldest. And I'm doing what's best. You're gonna let this go, you understand me?"

An awkward silence fell upon the three hunters. Alexis fidgeted in her seat, she couldn't take it. "So...uh, nice night, huh? You, the, uh, dark. Its...."

Alexis sighs as Dean takes over the conversation. Thank you, she thinks.

"Tell me about the psychotic killer." Dean says, glancing at Sam in the rear view. "Come on, Sam, tell me about the psychotic killer."

"'Psychotic killer: Rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity.'" Sam reads.

"Okay, any mention of his razor-sharp teeth or his four inch claws, animal eyes?"

"No. The lunar cycles right. If it is a werewolf, we don't have long. Moons full Friday. That's the last time he changes for a month."

"Two days, no sweat."

"Great." Alexis claps her hands together. "Lets hunt us a werewolf."


"I'm detective Plant, this is detective Page and Simmons." Dean gestures to Sam and Alexis. "We're with the County Sheriff's Department."

"Yeah, uh, been expecting you." The man laying in the hospital bed, Kyle, nods.

"You have?" Alexis asks.

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