Chapter 25: He died ten seconds after suggesting it

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Mystery Spot 2

The dog barks as they walk down the street.

"Excuse me." The woman apologized as she hit Deans shoulder.

"I told you it wouldn't fit."

"What do you want, a Pulitzer?"

"You think this cheesy tourist trap has something to do with it?" Dean asks.

"Maybe its the real deal. Magnetic fields, bending space-time, whatever." Sam shrugs.

"I don't know. Seems a little too X-Files for me."

"We know, Dean, we know." Alexis pats his shoulder. I'm really tired of this crap.

"I don't know how else to explain it, Dean." Irritation clear in Sams tone as he looks to his brother.

"Alright. Alright. We'll go tonight, get ourselves a nice, long look." Dean tells Sam.

"No, no, no, we can't." Both Sam and Alexis start saying as all three stop in front of one of the buildings in the sidewalk.

"Why not?" Dean questions.

"Because you...." Sam trails off.

"I what?"

Sam and Alexis give him a look.

"I die there?" Dean asks.

"Blown away, actually." Sam clarifies.

Dean was quiet for a second. "Huh. Okay. Let's go now." Dean s continued down the street.

Sam and Alexis practically dove at Dean, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the road as Mr. Pickett sped down the street.

"Get out of the way!"

Dean laughs as Sam and Alexis sigh. She shakes her hands that now rested by her sides. Its okay.

"What, did he...?" Dean asks.

"Yesterday. Yeah." Sam answers.

Dean eyed the car. "And?"

"And what?"

"Did it look cool like in the movies?"

Sam gave his brother a look. "You peed yourself."

"Of course I peed myself." Dean shrugs after a few seconds of silence. Sam tilted his head a little. "A man gets hit by a car, you think he has full control over his bladder? Come on."

Alexis laughs a little, following Dean as he crossed the street.


"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this." The man who'd shot Dean two Tuesday's ago tells them. "We could use all the good ink we can get."

"How long have you owned the place, Mr. Carpiak?" Sam questions. 

"Well, my family's been guarding the secrets here since you don't wanna know when."

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