Chapter 17: It had to land in the pile of guts too

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A Very Supernatural Christmas 2

The three hunters stand outside of the house, looking at the decorations scattered across the yard and the porch. "So this is where Mrs. Wreath lives, huh?" Dean asks. "Boy, can't you just feel the evil, pagan vibe?"

"Well she's not gonna out a huge sign on the front lawn saying, 'Hey, I eat people. Buy my wreaths'." Alexis crosses her arms over her chest.

"That right there is exactly why Santa would not visit you." Dean points at her as the two continue to walk toward the doorway.

"Oh, my sarcasm or the shirt I'm wearing?" Alexis gestures to her AC/DC t-shirt she had on.

Dean knocks on the front door, nudging her side.

"Yes?" A older woman answers the door.

"Tell me you're the Madge Carrigan who makes the meadowsweet  wreaths." Dean smiles.

"Why, yes I am." She answers.

"Ha. Bingo." Dean glances at Sam.

"Yeah. Well, we were just admiring your wreaths at Mr. Silver's place the other day." Sam adds.

Alexis nudges Deans side causing him to inside the house. From what you could see there was decorations everywhere. Santa figures, elves, mini Christmas trees, a gingerbread house.

"You were?" Madge asks. "Isn't that meadowsweet the finest smelling thing you ever smelled?"

"Totally." Alexis nods.

"It is. It sure is. But the problem is that all your wreaths bad sold out before we got the chance to buy one." Sam continues.

"Oh, fudge."

"You wouldn't happen to have another one, would you?" Dean asks.

"Oh, no, I'm afraid those were the only ones I had for this season." Madge tells them.

"One more thing, why'd you decide to make them out if meadowsweet?"

"Why the smell of course. I don't think I've smelled anything finer." Madge answers as an older man with a pipe between his teeth walks down the stairs and stops behind Madge.

"Yeah, you mentioned that." Sam chuckles.

"What's going on, honey?" The man asks.

"Well just some nice kids asking about my wreaths, dear."

"Oh the wreaths are fine. Fine wreaths. Oh, care for some peanut brittle?" He holds out a tin.

Dean reaches out, but Alexis grabs his arm, sliding her hand down his forearm and intertwines their fingers. She pulls his arm back down to his side.

"Heh. We're okay." Sam smiles.

Dean gives Alexis a look. She pats his arm, muttering under her breath, "It could be poisoned."


Alexis sat on the floor, sketchbook in hand. She glances up at Dean, who was sitting in the edge of the bed, carving stakes. He had a trash can in front of him, but still all the shavings ended up on the floor, well, there and in Alexis' hair making her kick Deans leg every so often.

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