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Salaam alaikum Dear reader, I'm glad you decided to give this book a try. It is my first book built based on imagination to be honest. I've always wanted to write and when Wattpad came as an opportunity, I took it wholeheartedly.

I've always been a reader, I've thought about writing a few times but then i was just too lazy to think, talk more of typing. I don't know where I'm getting this new vibe but I'm liking it so far.

I don't really know how far I would go but it is worth a try. I really don't even know how this story is going to be but then we'll scale through. I'm not promising you that this book is going to be all good and everything, but I'm promising you that I will try my best, no false promises. The story is also going to be quite short, probably less than 15 chapters but more than 10 at least, and the chapters too might not be very lengthy so you won't get bored in the process.

This is purely a work of fiction so names, characters, brand names( I don't own anyone written in this book), business, places, events, or coincidental incidents are all parts of imagination or used in a fictional manner.No part of this book should be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, before using it for whatsoever reason, kindly seek for a written permission.

I would like to make sure you're aware that this is an unedited version, so all mistakes, wrong spellings and poorly formed sentences are unintentional. Just a little warning. But I'm always open for corrections.

And also, don't forget to vote, just color that star for me, it takes just a few seconds. Comment and share.
                          Thank you ❤️

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