[Vol. 7.5] Chapter 187

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Yukina was coming back from Shinkyo since she heard of Arashi's return. Her heart had been thumping loudly and she couldn't fathom what why she was so nervous...

Princess Mizuki's wealth had been deteriorating greatly as she couldn't come and Yukina didn't know why she wasn't recovering at all...

For these five years, she had been taking care of her yet there was no sign of her being well in health. It was the year when she couldn't stand on her two feet.

Prince Kurasaki had been worrying too much because his dear wife had been looking almost like a skeleton. He had been appointing best doctors for his wife but no one was able to find the cause of it.

With this worry, Yukina had reached the palace and she saw a tall man with long raven hair was standing back facing her. He was talking with Hiroshi and others as she reached them.

The man turned back as Arashi's and Yukina's eyes met...

It had been 2 years and Arashi had finally come back from his training.

He was 19 and he looked different as he was now taller than Yukina by a feet and his hair had grown longer. His physique had changed a lot as Yukina was almost shocked to see him in a different light. She was meeting him after five years of his training...

She was looking much smaller compared to him and she couldn't speak a word as her mouth hung open.

Hiroshi looked at both of them and said, "Well, I'm leaving for Shinkyo... Call me if you need anything else."

Arashi wasn't saying anything either because in these years, Yukina had grown more beautiful than before and both of them were too embarrassed to say anything...

He took a large breath and said as he scratched his chin, "Ah... Well, it has been long..."

Yukina nodded.

"Err... I just got back and was about to leave for Shinkyo...but grandfather emperor and father had called me here."

Yukina nodded again and Arashi couldn't even look at her in the eyes as he was looking everywhere but her. And she was looking at him with wide eyes and a mouth wide open.

What was it? Wasn't she going to say anything after all these years? Arashi thought and finally got enough courage to look at her. She didn't find anyone else, did she?

But as soon as their eyes met, they both stayed silent. They didn't need to say anymore words because their eyes were speaking.

The friendship between them had walked further and reached when their hearts beated at the same beat for each other. They had already started to love each other...

Tears rumbled in Yukina's eyes as she ran toward him and wrapped herself around him. It made Arashi stiffened and flustered but he couldn't deny that he didn't like it.

Yukina sniffed, "I missed you so much..."

Arashi looked down at her and tucked a strand behind her ear, saying with a gentle smile, "I missed you as well... I'm sorry that you had to wait for these years..."

Yukina shook her head and said, "It's alright..."

He said, teasingly, "Don't worry I'll make it up to you."

Yukina's face heated as she realised what she had done. Her hands were wrapped around him and she immediately pushed him away. "Shut up! I'm angry on you! Don't think I'll forgive you that easily..."

Arashi let out a chuckle and nodded. "That would be fine since I like challenges..."

Did his personality has changed too? Yukina looked at him warily.

Up until now, Yukina was the one who teased Arashi and he would get all uneasy. But now, it was totally the opposite!

Arashi said, "I'll meet you later... Wait for me in my father's wings, we will depart for Shinkyo together."

Yukina asked, "Why? Where are you going?" Was he going again just after coming back?

He seemed to understand her questions as he said, "I have to go to meet father first, there are some important matters for which I was called back..."

Yukina nodded. "What's the matter?"

Arashi shrugged. "I don't know but it seems like Kosaki had been making trouble these years... Today, we will have a meeting regarding that. Let's see."

Yukina nodded and said, "I'll be waiting for you then..."

Arashi nodded as a smile lingering on his face.

As Yukina was about to turn around, Arashi said, "I forgot to say something to you..."

Yukina's brows raised questioningly, "What?"

Arashi came quickly near her and whispered something in her ear...

As Yukina's face turned red, Arashi dashed away giving her a wicked smirk...

He whispered, "I love you..."


In Shinkyo castle, Yukina laid down on her bed burying her face in the pillow. Her heart had been in turmoil ever since Arashi had spelt those words to her ears...

He had become too wicked after acquiring training! She thought but she couldn't stop herself from grinning like a fool either.

And suddenly, a rock came flying through the windows which startled Yukina. She went there and peeked outside, she saw a flash of Futama.

Her heart started to thump but this time in worry. She looked back at the rock which was lying on the ground.

There was a paper being tied to it. She opened it and the letters in them made her blood froze.

"Prepare to finish the mission." It said.

It didn't take her long to understand that, with Arashi's return the mission was active again. The organisation had her stand by because it wasn't easy to reach the crown prince and Arashi was far away. But now they both had come back, Yukina's mission was up.

However, now, she didn't want to kill his father nor Arashi. After living with Prince Kurasaki, she learnt how great he was. He was always kind to her and everyone around him. He was a man of morals and his wife was equally strong and a woman with strong mind.

The more time had passed the more she had started to forget her mission. She was now questioning her own morals.

Should she just question the organisation? But she knew questioning means you are doubting them. Which may lead to betrayal and the organisation would take action against her to kill her.

Now Yukina was biased at what she would do...

Would it be best if she gave them a report telling the crown prince and Arashi both were helping people?

But she didn't know if they would give any heed to that. However, it won't hurt to give it a try.

With determined look, she made her mind to talk to the organisation herself.

11th April, 23

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