[Vol. 6] Chapter 132

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I woke up from as sun rays illuminated from the castle windows. It was chilli and I groaned as my skin hit the cold air.

Arashi was sleeping soundly beside me as both of our hair got tangled with each other. I leant toward him as I took the cover to my bare chest.

I felt numbness around my legs and bottom of the belly and my muscles ached. I got shy as I recalled these days' events.

He had been very gentle and careful.

But in the mornings, I felt so sore. My feet ached and my breasts felt sore as I groaned again.

And Arashi's hand immediately fell on my belly. I looked at him and saw he was still sleeping peacefully.

I learnt that he would be sleeping without a care if we were in Shinkyo. It had been three days that were in his castle.

But the best thing was, here I could go out to venture the city on my own. No guards behind me and no restrictions!

Well, the city had only kuro soldiers and their families everywhere so of course, I didn't need any guards because I was basically surrounded by them. And for having food to my heart's content, every citizen knew I was pregnant so whenever I went, they gave me food but made sure it was healthy and to my liking.

They even made sure that there was at least some kind of sitting arrangement for me. And each and every one of them talked to me like I was one of them. Although they still called me with Princess Bianka.

And the elders of the city were just... exactly how Arashi had described them to be.

They were extremely shameless!

They were telling me how to seduce Arashi and get more babies from him! There were just too many information about it that one time, I felt like getting fainted in the middle of our conversation.

The elders were pretty dangerous!

Especially the old women among them! They were asking me for...for details!

I looked at the Kuro soldiers who were nearby with pleading eyes so they could save me from them but apparently, even they were scared to go near them.

Especially the young men and women. They would stay away from them otherwise the elders would fill their heads with unholy things!

But it was Koji's wife who saved me. Mila.

She is the nicest woman I had ever seen. She was tanned had short hair but very pretty.

Today, I was going out with her. She would be coming to get me.

I smiled as I was so excited what other food she would order for us. She had an amazing skills on cooking and she wasn't from here.

I didn't know where she was from but she told me she used to live in a dessert region far away from here. Her whole home was wiped out because of a foreign war and the young men and women were traded as slaves.

Mila was brought to Wansai where she was being sold off to a clan head's slave. That clan head was cruel and used to beat her and telling bad words to her but one day, Arashi's men arrived there and in that group of men, Koji was one of them.

After their mission, she was freed but because of her colour, she wasn't accepted in other sides of Wansai.

So, Koji ended up taking her here.

She started to live here but everyone was so friendly and helpful that she never wished to go back. And her only task was to make healthy food for Koji until a few months ago, Koji asked her to marry him.

My heart fluttered as I hugged Mila. She was just so cute and if I were Koji I wouldn't waste any time. Why did he take that much time to marry her!

I was recalling the moments as Arashi asked, "Why are you grinning? Did something happen?"

I looked at him and said, "I am excited to go with Mila."

Arashi said, "Lately you are just spending too much time with others that you are forgetting someone is waiting for you in the castle."

I blushed and turned around as Arashi was now behind me. I said, "It's just for a few days... Then after that, I am all yours."

"You're already mine." He whispered around my ears as his hands stroked on my belly. And my heart thumped.

He had become greedy! For these days, everyday he had me but it still wasn't enough!

He said, "You got a pretty cute belly there."

And I looked down and gasped. I certainly got a belly bump! I looked at him as he grinned, "The baby is growing..."

I smiled as he said, "I heard hot baths are good now since your body has started to change."

I nodded and said, "Alright then I'll go take a bath quickly."

He didn't let me go as I looked at him with questioning eyes and he said, "What I meant is, taking hot baths together is good for your health."

My face reddened as I whined, "Arashi!"

He grinned as he said, "What? I heard the elders told you this the other day and I'm just following their advices."

I got flustered. He heard it! How?!

Well, the elders certainly told me many detailed description about how to... Anyways, this idea was one of them as well.

He said with a low, breathy voice, "Don't try to run away from here while I go and tell the maids to prepare our baths."

"I—I will run away!" I hissed although my voice sounded breathy as well.

He grinned and said, "Try to run away then. Let's see how far you can go."

Well, I knew I couldn't since no matter where I go in Shinkyo, he would still know where I was like he knew what the elders told me.

Or maybe, it was the elders who had made his mind that unholy recently!

2nd January, 23

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