[Vol. 4] Chapter 86

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"You are unusually quite today..." Arashi remarked as I was practicing the verse the empress was teaching me.

"What happened?" He asked.

It was already night and the whole time, I had practiced every letters that I was supposed to learn. Even the instrument. I went to Rei and asked her to help me. Even when I was bad at it, I kept trying it.

I knew I didn't need it but that didn't mean, I didn't have to learn it. I went to the head maid to teach me the tea ceremony etiquette. Arashi had taught me but I wanted to perfect it.

I said, "I want to learn these..."

I had finished writing the letters and I dropped my ink pen. Then I turned around and hung the paper before Arashi. "How's it?"

He examined it for a few seconds and nodded. "Well, it has certainly improved a lot."

I smiled but it still didn't make me happy as I sighed.

He looked at me then to the ground where piles of papers laid. I had used up all the papers already.

"You...have you been practicing them the whole afternoon till now?" He asked, a bit surprised.

I nodded.

He raised a brow. "Well, that is impressive but you don't really have to do this. You do know we will leave once the trial is over."

I nodded. "But before that I want to...make sure everything is alright..." I whispered the later words but Arashi heard me.

He didn't say anything for a while as I kept repeating the verse of the ancient poems and I felt his gaze on me.

He finally said, "You seem so determined..."

"I am." I said and finally closed the book as I went to him.

I asked, "Can I ask you something?"

He nodded, "What is it?"

"Can you tell me the more about the cave?"

He looked at me for a while as if he was studying me. "Okay... What exactly you want me to tell?"

"About the traps..."

He nodded and said, "Okay... But if you think you can outrun the traps by knowing them, then... you are mistaken."

I nodded as I sat straight and said, "Don't worry. I know I am not able to do that..."

"Okay... But as I have already planned it, I will teach you some basic things so you won't fall in any trap."

I nodded, determined at learning about what he will teach me because I definitely needed to pass this.


I was with Rei as I was trying to play the instrument. I played some tune and Rei gasped.

I looked at her questioningly, "What happened?"

"You played the tune perfectly!" She said and grinned at me.

"I did?" I asked as I wasn't sure if I had or not.

To be honest, other than cooking and stitching, I wasn't good at other things.

She nodded frantically. "Yes! And I am surprised how fast you learnt that!"

I smiled but I wasn't happy. Well, because my mind would wonder to Princess Rose. I hadn't seen her or heard from her in days and I was worried.

I didn't know what would I do to make things right for her but for that I needed my power as Arashi's wife. Officially, my status was far lower than Akio and everyone in the palace.

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