[Vol. 5] Chapter 107

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I was sitting on my chair in the imperial court's office. Piles of papers and scrolls were scattered across my table. As I loved to organise them first and then start working, I was organising.

The office chamber was large and the head of it was uncle Kenji and another man named, Lord Kishimoto. Both of them were excellent in their work and they were the ones who divided the work among us.

I was given a small chair and a wooden table at the furthest corner of the office where there was no window and the wind wouldn't reach me. Because like me, there were five to six men were there with their own tables and chairs in the room.

But I knew I couldn't complain. I knew they didn't want me there and they still opposed the fact that a woman can do this.

So, whenever anything happened they never let me join them. In a chatting or in any meeting.

Uncle Kenji opposed this but Lord Kishimoto was good at convincing everyone.

A caretaker came and gave all of them herb tea for refreshment but he ignored me and went away.

Well, I knew he was ordered not to give me anything and more than that they all were told to ignore my existence.

Because I was Arashi's wife.

They hated Arashi and they hated me more because they thought I had the privilege of being their prince's wife. Well, I had but I wasn't planning to use them here.

I wouldn't waste those powers in this regard especially where I only needed my brain.

Kairo and Hans were with me always, standing both sides of me all the time. Even when I told them to sit.

I kept opposing their protection since people around me would always be wary of talking to me. One, because they knew they were Arashi's men and whatever they hear would reach Arashi and two, because they looked always scary.

It was a trait they had acquired from Arashi. Whenever anyone glanced at me or tried to badmouth me, both Kairo and Hans would glare at them until they started to shake. If they had a choice they would just glare at them until the persons die out by their glares alone.

As of now, both of them glared at Lord Kishimoto and the others as they all stiffened. They weren't even looking at us but we all could feel the dark miasma coming out of Kairo and Hans. While they all tried to ignore, cold sweat formed on their foreheads.

And I glared back at them.

Both of them immediately stopped and smiled at me as if they were innocent.

I whisper-yelled at them, "Cut it off! You are making them uneasy..."

Kairo suddenly had a wicked grin as he was about to say, "They deserve i—"

But Hans punched in his gut as he started to cough while Hans said, "They are just delusional..."

I narrowed my eyes down at them.

Hans asked, "But Princess Bianka, if you don't mind me asking, why have you forbade us to speak about it with Prince Rian?"

Kairo nodded as he finally stopped coughing, "Yes. If we told him, no one would dare to be disrespectful toward you."

He glared at the man who sat across me, Mr Garo and that poor man immediately looked away. Kairo said as he cracked his knuckles, "Lately, they have been too much disrespectful. I feel like breaking some bones."

I shook my head toward them. They certainly had no patience. Arashi needed to teach them that.

I said as I started to organise my table again, "No. We are not going to tell him anything about it."

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