[Vol. 4] Chapter 85

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**Mature content ahead. It might make some readers traumatized since I have added some gory details. Although I tried not to add explicit details but some readers might can't read itdue to trama or weak heart. I suggest you to avoid this chapter if you can't take it.**

After leaving the hall, I left with Rei. Noya seemed to be sleepy as Rei said, "I need to feed him before he falls asleep."

I nodded. "Then I am going back to my room."

She nodded and said, "Then come by whenever you feel like."

I nodded as she departed and my eyes searched for Daichi. I didn't go to my room since I was a bit worried about Princess Rose.

As I was crossing a corridor, I heard Daichi's voice with a woman. She was Akio.

I hid myself from their sight and tried to hear what they were speaking.

"But brother Daichi, you know how vile she is." Akio said, making a worried face, "And how she has wrapped brother Arashi in her fingers..."

Eh?! Were they talking about me?!

I was a bit confused as how did I exactly wrapped my Arashi in my fingers? From what I see, he was the one who had wrapped me in his fingers!

Daichi nodded, his face became grim. He said, "I can see that clearly."

"Yes, I am worried about brother Arashi and if she passed the trial!" She looked at him, batting her eyelashes, "I am afraid, she will take the place of grandmother empress's place!"

What! Why would I want her place when we would be leaving after that...?

I got more confused but since I couldn't just openly barge into their conversation, I kept hidden.

"Don't worry, I won't let her do whatever she pleases..." Daichi said with a cold voice that made me flinched.

But they soon went away to another corridor which seemed like it was where Akio's room was. Now it was the perfect opportunity.

I spun on my heels and went to where Princess Rose's chamber was. I made sure I didn't make noise as I tiptoed to there.

There were two rooms at the end of the corridor and the furthest one was Prince Daichi's. I went to the other one, my heart thumping.

I looked right and left and it seemed it wasn't guarded that much.

I knocked on the door making sure the sound was low yet the person inside could hear. But there was no sound.

I knocked again but this time a bit loud.

However, there was still no sound.

I looked at the door for a while. Why wasn't she answering?

Was she really that unwell?

Then she needed Arashi for a check up or maybe a royal physician...

Gathering courage, I opened the door slowly and went inside. The room was dark and the curtains of the windows were still closed. I didn't want to disrupt her sleep as I went to a window and opened the curtain of it making sure it wouldn't disrupt her sleep.

The sunrays illuminated in the room and now I finally could see. The bed was large but the blankets were piled up in one place where it seemed Princess Rose was.

I slowly went there and called her name. "Princess Rose..."

She didn't answer and now I was worried. Had she fainted because of her illness?

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