[Vol. 3] Chapter 57

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As Arashi and Hiroshi went away for their discussion, I sat there before the fire, soaking the warmth of it. It was getting a little chilly but I felt my insides warming with the thought of what Arashi actually did. 

I had no clue I was married to a great man like him. 

A few moments later, I felt a presence beside me and I looked up. I saw it was Hiroshi. 

He said, "It is getting cold. Does Princess Bianka want warm clothes?"

I shook my head. "No, I am alright. The fire is enough."

He nodded and took a seat beside me at a distance. He said, "It must be overwhelming for you to learn all these but know that Arashi had never done anything to harm others. He learnt everything with a lot of struggle."


He nodded as he looked at his hands and said, "Arashi was a fragile boy. Well, he used to be one. And I was assigned by my father to watch over him."

A gap formed in my mouth. He was a fragile boy. He didn't look fragile at all.

"I am four years older than him but I used to hate it that I had to babysit him. He was clumsy and weak."

"He was?"

He chuckled. "Yes, he was. Once he even tripped on his own wooden sword and fell flat on his face. It was funny."

"But he doesn't look like he was." I said. 

He looked at me and said, "It is because he worked very hard. He underwent rigorous training under Lord An Hao who refused to take him."

"Why did he refuse?" Now I was curious because from what I had seen Arashi was a perfect man.

"Lord An Hao was a man with pride. He didn't want to teach a royal blood his methods. Because he hated them. He always believed that the superiors would exploit everything which he taught. The innocent people already are suffering from them for many many years and he didn't want to teach any person who had a powerful background." Hiroshi continued his story. "I went there to train as well but when he refused Arashi I was glad because I used to think he was an incapable boy."

"When did your views change about him?"

"When Arashi challenged him that he would do anything to learn from him. Lord An Hao said if he survived his poisons he would take him in." Hiroshi looked at me, "And he agreed."

My eyes bulged out from my sockets. "What?!"

Hiroshi nodded. "He might be the only one who ever survived every poison Lord An Hao gave him. His body is now almost resistant to any kind of poison."

A gasp left from my mouth. That was cruel.

He added, "The way every night he suffered from intense fever and pain, it made me so mad at Arashi. I used to think, why did he have to go through this when he could just go back to his beautiful palace and stay protected?" Hiroshi pursed his lips, "But each time he came back alive without the antidotes and it surprised me every time."

He looked at me and said, "Lord An Hao had to bend on Arashi's will and he finally acknowledged him. And the next I saw Arashi holding his wooden sword, he looked like the swords belonged to him."

"I didn't know why I was so proud at that moment even though I used to hate him. I felt like my little brother finally grew up." He chuckled shyly.

And I said, "Maybe you never hated him. Maybe you always believed in him without you noticing."

He nodded as he leaned back and supported his body on his two arms. "True. Even though he was clumsy he still managed to bend me to his will and I couldn't help but acknowledge him."

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