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Elias pov (7 years old)

"Elias get back here" prudence yelled, her voice being old and frail wasn't far too loud but loud enough for me to be able to hear it ,but still I ran away from the castle they were always treating me like I'm better than other kids my age I had simply gotten sick of it and decided I will run away and live with the trees. Now i know it's such a great ideas living with my bear friends and all but my father normally forbids people from going too far into the woods. Too bad I'm not his son anymore Elias Asgard shall now be Elias wilderness boy.

I felt so alive and free, then I heard it. A small, saddened whimper emerging from behind the trees and shrubbery. As i tried to find the source of this sound I almost tripped over a shrub ,which was in the way, and was about to kick it when a shriek emerged from the bush, I didn't know bushes screamed. Slowly, I peeled away the shrubbery to reveal a girl who looked around my age (7) covered in mud and in a poofy lavender gown with ruffles and pearls attached to it while still being sullied i could tell it was beautiful but not as beautiful as the girl. She had copper skin and silky black hair soft brown eyes that glinted in the sunlight and such petit lips. The only problem was she was so small she must be a baby or something because babies are tiny like alexis. As my appearance became present in her view I could tell I messed up because she began shaking and crying, that wasn't good mother says I shouldn't make people cry because of lawsuits and stuff ,laws don't wear suits, but anyways ,she was shaking like a leaf and sobbed louder and louder. what did I do now?


Mother yelled at me again, I didn't do anything it was Zachary, he always causes problems and blamed me for them. I ran into the forest the trees towered soaring higher than skyscrapers making the tallest giraffes look like toothpicks compared to its momentous size they were absolutely huge. Due to all my focus being on the nearly redwood trees I didn't see the puddle that emerged suddenly in front of me causing myself to slip over and crash into it head first my body submerged in muddy water and my dress being drenched. This is the worst day ever. Being 6 years old is hard enough already but this has all made it ten times worse. I found a tree I could rest beneath to gather my thoughts and I was so withdrawn with the thought of how to deal with my bratty brother I didn't notice the soon ground shaking rumbles that slowly approached my hiding space. Suddenly, I got jolted back into consciousness when a huge quake hit me and lead to me screaming. Worst. Mistake. Of my life. My only mean and sorry excuse for shelter was removed exposing me to a huge boy who looked around my age he was so big. This is truly the worst day ever. I couldn't help but shake rapidly I could feel my whole body begin to pulse I knew it was the end for me .who knows what this guy wants maybe to eat me?


I couldn't help but gawk at this tiny girl while she simply stared while small crocodile tears welled up in her eyes. An idea shot through my mind as I slowly reached for the petite girl. It was sure to work it works on me, now I just need to bring her up to my lips..Of course resulting into another screaming fit. Why is she crying so much?

But anyways I cupped her tiny body in my hands, she was so warm and cute in my hands, like a baby. I raised her to my lips prepared to do what my mother always does to me when i cry. I could feel her vibrating it was some what nerve racking to feel something so small vibrate so much. As i prepared myself her minuscule body consumed by my fist was slowly edging closer to my mouth ready to do what I needed to.

My lips were pressed together as I layed a ,small but large to her, kiss on her body she was so warm and she felt so perfect there I wanted to do it again. So I kissed her petite body a few more times until she stopped crying. I think that worked because she's no longer sad, but she is pink. Is that a condition I'm not sure was it my kisses? Did I do something wrong?

I was practically consumed by fear at this point, it was the only emotion I could feel in my body, nothing else mattered anyways considering I was going to die. I couldn't believe it, my future, my friends, my family, I was going to lose it all at the hands of this giant. Speaking of the hands, did I mention he was reaching for me. I couldn't help but scream at the tree trunk sized fingers that wrapped around me in a gentle but tight grip. The last time I would've talked to my mother would be in a fight. I didn't have a chance to apologise to her I'm so stupid. Being 6 is so hard.

I felt myself slowly ascend up into the air and my hopes drop as I realised I was infront of this kids mouth. So I was going to die. Great. Before another thought could penetrate my mind, I felt my body move closer to his lips. Goodbye world. I chanted that phrase in my head for a while, before my thought process was rudely interrupted by me getting pressed up again something warm. It was comfortable. I was barbarically ripped away from my only heat source on this cold winter day, to soon only realise that I was basically snuggling against this boys lips before I was returned and ripped away after a few more times in a never ending process. I could feel my whole face burn crimson and tried in a sorry attempt to hide it but failed miserably.

Before he could say anything I begged for him to put me down so I could go home. As this small request reached his ears it's almost as if he was sad that I was going. However, it didn't affect me considering I was going to end up getting hurt staying near this boy anyways. So as I felt the cold, uneven floor of the forest reunite with my foot I broke out into a sprint, I wasn't stopping for the world nothing could stop me at this point. As my castle came back into view I felt a wave of relief crash over me in a huge tsunami like wave, I was finally home.

After finally building up enough courage to speak to this girl. She begged me to return to her home, I didn't want her to go yet, it was so lonely in the castle and I thought i had just made my first friend but that thought was obviously short lived. So as I slowly set her down on the dirt of the forest she broke out into a sprint. She doesn't like me I don't think. Well time for me to go home I think because I stopped her crying I was get a law in a suit.

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