▪︎> Seokjin <▪︎

Start from the beginning


I mentioned earlier that there were seven below the devil. I missed two. The ones who go over the armies and the plan.

The devil's children. Twins. The daughter of hatred and the son of sin. They never fought, never argued, they never smiled.

Their bodies were fuelled by the fear of humanity, and their powers were near that of their father.

They did roam the earth. In fact, they led their party.

The daughter of hatred stepped towards the low of Kana to control, a deserted city with less water than people. It's an easy prey to convince.

The son of sin invaded the east of Ysarin, the richer district of whose egos were too great to lift a finger to defend themselves.

They didn't kill. They would prefer not to. But they definitely do not oppose. Anyone who dares speak against them will be slain by their followers.

They follow their mother in rage and father in guilt.

The daughter's name was Iris, the eye of the devil and oldest twin. She possessed a third eye on her chest beneath her throat, perfectly located in between her shoulders.

She dressed in a way men would swoon, but that was mostly due to her wings. Their large dragon-esc physique could be difficult to work around if they were tightly covered.

She wore a golden headdress, chains and rings encapturing her large protruding horns and falling over her forehead with a blood red ruby gem.

Her eyes were sharp, piercing, and small. A dark blue hue screams at her subjects at every glare they dare give on her. Her lips are thinly pressed, dipped in red of a glossed lipstick type that she never disclosed.

Her frame was strong. She has muscle in her arms and upper body and had temptation in her lower. She would sway her hips, and her thighs would follow.

People would hate themselves for falling for her temptation or hate her for leading them on.

Either way, she is fuelled.

The son of sin was called Yoongi, named after the first necromancer to roam the living surface. He possessed a decease. Blackness that inks and trails up from his cold hands and neck. A tattoo-like appearance as it branches out to his naked chest into marks like a tribe.

He wore a long, thick golden choker, trapping his evil to his pain. He wore simple attire with riches all over, choosing to ignore the fabric of clothes over the shiny temptation of gold.

His wings were notable larger, although the same. They both had a tail of dragon scales that tipped in venom and horns that were the exact same.

He was skinny but had muscle in his chest. His eyes were resembling a cat's. Cunning and deceiving. A red iris hidden in the slitted pupil holds his power and wish.

They were twins. And far from what that meant.

The son of sin leaves his subjects to fall to their knees before him, promising them riches as far as their eyes could tell and women as many as one could hold. Promises of sin that could not be resisted.

Every promise was another red mark on their virgin necks.

In contrast to his sister, the son looked more chaotic.

She stood with hands intertwined, no smile on her face and gentle movement.

He stood straight, arms crossed and glaring at any possible victim with a slight curve of the mouth.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now